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Message started by Forum Administrator on Nov 8th, 2009 at 10:05am

Title: Falsification is not even a scientific principle.
Post by Forum Administrator on Nov 8th, 2009 at 10:05am

The idea of "falsification" was put into science by a Communist, who was basically anti-religion and hated the idea of having to curtail his lower compulsions because of religious rules..  He figured the only way to stop religion was to use "science" and pawn off delusional ideas as science. 

It was allowed to be introduced because society demanded proof at that time for science and absolute evidence for any scientific concept.  That means that pet theories were stricken for lack of evidence and they did not last long if they had no real evidence.  This is called "truthification" or showing that it is actually true.
This way, with "falsification" any "pseudo science" would remain forever as long as it could not be "falsified".

So, some idiot proposed this idea of "falsification" meaning that you do not have to prove science you must disprove it to get rid of it.  This is ridiculous because you cannot disprove something that cannot be tested,like Evodelusionism (a religion).  There is absolutely no way to test to see if any of it is real; and with no way to test it, no way to disprove it either. So it hangs around like a bad dream that refuses to go away.

So, falsification allows religious, mythological beliefs to perpetuate in "science".
We now have these mythological creatures that have never existed, but they are believed to be the "common ancestors" of all life on earth and other such religious nonsense.  There is no evidence of this evolution of all creatures from one life form.  It does not exist, but only in the minds of believers. 

In real science by the use of the proper scientific method, a premise, hypothesis or theory is either "True" or "Not Proven" If it is not proven is NOT the same as "false".  It is nearly (almost infinitely) impossible to disprove a theory and its premises (falsified).  But it can be repeatedly shown to be not proven over and over and over and over..........billions of times.    In order to falsify something you would have to test it by billions upon billions of iterations of tests and even after the 10,000,000,000th time it might work in one case, so it can't ever be falsified even if it has no evidence at all as in "Evolution".  If you understand science then you would understand what I just said.

Falsification was put into science to perpetuate a mythological religious idea of evolution, that has no evidence to back it.  It has but one purpose to stop other religions and create mass hysteria of control over young people.  This is the "communist" dogma, to control the masses by fear.    Belief in God stops fear and makes people fight for the truth and against oppression.

It is a popular religion because it destroys other religions in the minds of young and weak children who "lay down" for this crap, because of cultural pressure.  It is one religion being accepted as if it was science, and it is posed against other religions.

The absolute truth is that it has no way of being proven or disproved, because it is a fantasy.

There is no DNA in fossils.  That means that fantasy can categorize fossils into any belief the brainwashed believer wants.  Many people have been put to death who were innocent, until DNA came about to show their innocence. Presumption is the foundation of belief in some brainwashed premise.

The only thing that allows those fossils to be categorized and to be falsely tied together is human emotional mental garbage beliefs that are pounded into children's heads in school, and by society that is conned into thinking this crap is science by use of media, cartoons, and cultural brainwashing.  This is in the form of brainwashed, indoctrinated, crap religion being pawned off as "science".

This idea of "falsification" allows this crap religion to be perpetuated and to be pawned off as science. As long as "falsification" continues this mythology continues in school.

That was the idea of Karl Popper, the communist and hater of God and religion.  How are people so stupid? Because they allow other people to control their thoughts.  Children are allowed to be indoctrinated by parents who have been indoctrinated and so it perpetuates with no friggin evidence.

Now, all of you!   You go do the research that I have done. Go read 20,000 or so papers on this pseudo science. You will see a "perspective" in the mind that presupposes this is "truth" in all those papers, but no evidence, only one opinion after another.

Go look at all those fossils, but without the indoctrinated believers shoving their beliefs down your brain.  Back off and become seekers of the truth.
Humans are utterly flawed and because they are easily duped by "experts" and people who are in power over their livelihood, teachers, preachers,  and using peer pressure and such force children to believe this crap before they take one class on it.
By the time a child is 6 years old they are already believing. The cartoons and "science for kids TV shows"  have fully indoctrinated them into belief in mythological creatures that never existed. They are fully prepped for brainwashing.

The classes have no contrary information in them that would stop any sane person from believing this crap.

I have asked many students if they know about the tons of contradictions in this science, and they don't. This is never taught to them in school, because it would ruin the cult like religion.
These students do not even know what inference, implication, assumption or any of the methods used on them are.
Every generation is perpetuating this because it is forced on the children, and it is child abuse to force belief in something that has no evidence to back it.

If you have any evidence for evolution, I would gladly look at it.  However, the evidence must have no opinions by anyone in it.  It must be empirical, fully tested and repeatable over and over and pass the scientific method every time: obvious and irrefutable.

Title: Re: Falsification is not even a scientific principle.
Post by Forum Administrator on Nov 10th, 2009 at 12:10pm
In real science as has been taught for the last 200 years, before these not proven ideas, science was a path to the truth in the matter.

The scientific method was this:

They would observe a phenomenon.  Then try to understand it by making up propositions called hypothesis to test.

Then the main crux was the "Theory" that developed to test.  The normal theories were very concise and not complicated.  The Law of Gravity was understood this way.

Most all of the laws of physics were discovered this way and each one like "momentum", "mass", "velocity" were all tested over and over and over, until they became laws.  If a theory was tested or subjected to testing and real scientific experiments, and it always worked the same way, it became a law and the "theory was proven" to be real.  Theories never continued for more than a few years before they were tossed in the trash or proven.

Until this idiot, Communist, Karl Popper, who wanted this "theory of evolution", which is really a mytholoical religion to be around forever and to continue to give it life, he pushed this idea of "falsification" or you don't have to prove anything in science to keep the theory around forever.

If you have no way to test even one hypothesis of this theory, of creatures evolving into a new genus or totally new species with new morphology, then you can't "falsify it either".  There is no way to falsify a religious belief.

In case you are wondering why this idiotic religion is in our schools and has been perpetuated and has never become a scientific law, this is why.

After 150 years of these brainwashed believers looking for these missing links and declaring their faith in the "tree of life" and other such unproven concepts that have nothing to back, except a religious belief projected by "experts" (in Evodelusionism), Ph. D's in fantasy is not science.

I have read, skimmed, and read every article that has come out in Scientific journals that state "this evidence suggests evolution", not one single peice of evidence can be verified by DNA and is only the opinion of believers. That is not science. It is a relgion, a mythological relilgion that is forced on children and it is deeply brainwashed into their heads.

They go to school and the brainwashed believer is teaching this stuff as if it was real.  This way this infection of mental garbage continues with no factual, observable, absolutely clear evidence.  There is no evidence like this.

Anybody who falls for this is no in control of their mind. They let the pressure to conform, peer pressure, TV, teachers, and such control their mind. 

If any of you stand back from this, you will see that what I teach is absoloutely true.  This is not science, it is a rediculous religion based on belief.  There is nothing in genetics to back this, nothing in the fossil record to back this.
The only thing that perpetuates it is the mantra fed to the public over and over that "Evolution is Real".  If you have enough believers and they have infiltrated the establishment, you have a cult reliigion disguised as science.

It is a pseudo science based of faith and belief. Thus it is a proven religion, that has been allowed to perpetuate because of an utterly false idea of "falsification".

In real science, you must use the principle of "truthification" or testing to see what is real.

Title: Re: Falsification is not even a scientific principle.
Post by GoodScienceForYou on Dec 24th, 2009 at 7:31pm
I have read, talked to, and argued with Evodelusionists for a long time. Originally, I wanted to see if they actually had any evidence, because I am welcome to any real scientific study that is based on reality.

All I have seen is sideway logic, in which the belief is so strong that it is fed to the offspring of humans, like birds feeding their young from their regurgitated food.  It is a good analogy.

This means there is no evidence for evolution. There is no evidence for anything about how we got all these creatures here on earth.  It is an unknown in terms of science.

Perpetuating a screwed up belief system is a typical human weakness. 

Title: Re: Falsification is not even a scientific principle.
Post by GoodScienceForYou on Dec 24th, 2009 at 10:36pm
Where is your absolute evidence for evolution, that is irrefutable and has no other plausibilities and has no human emotional mental garbage beliefs and opinions in it?

Title: Re: Falsification is not even a scientific principle.
Post by prolescum on Dec 25th, 2009 at 2:33am

GoodScienceForYou wrote on Dec 24th, 2009 at 10:36pm:
Where is your absolute evidence for evolution, that is irrefutable and has no other plausibilities and has no human emotional mental garbage beliefs and opinions in it?

Title: Re: Falsification is not even a scientific principle.
Post by metha on Dec 25th, 2009 at 4:10am
I am sorry to be the one to disappoint you, but you have it all backwards. To disprove something is much easier than to prove something. Karl Popper was not the first to think of this, and falsification was used in science long before Popper. Einstein (which you seems to like), also worked with this principle. The reason for this principle is because absolute proofs are not possible in natural science, but to falsify something can be done in one sentence. Physics rests heavily on this principle, and even mathematics to some extend.

Title: Re: Falsification is not even a scientific principle.
Post by GoodScienceForYou on Dec 26th, 2009 at 2:18pm

metha wrote on Dec 25th, 2009 at 4:10am:
I am sorry to be the one to disappoint you, but you have it all backwards. To disprove something is much easier than to prove something. Karl Popper was not the first to think of this, and falsification was used in science long before Popper. Einstein (which you seems to like), also worked with this principle. The reason for this principle is because absolute proofs are not possible in natural science, but to falsify something can be done in one sentence. Physics rests heavily on this principle, and even mathematics to some extend.

I don't think you understand what "falsification" really means.
You have not thought about it in detail.

It is impossible to disprove religious ideas and so Evodelusionism continues because it can't be tested one way or the other.  If you can't test something, it is just religious bovine garbage.

Listen CAREFULLY to these two videos until you understand. Falsification is the only thing that is truly false in science and it is totally worthless. Truthification is all that matters.
Falsification directly opposes the scientific inquiry methods that are the foundation of real science.  It forces idiots to test their theories and to show they have at least some validity.  Falsification allows bovine garbage to be perpetuated because it does not force these pseudo scientists to put their crap to the scientific mythology.

Title: Re: Falsification is not even a scientific principle.
Post by metha on Dec 26th, 2009 at 3:23pm

GoodScienceForYou wrote on Dec 26th, 2009 at 2:18pm:
I don't think you understand what "falsification" really means.
You have not thought about it in detail.

It is impossible to disprove religious ideas and so Evodelusionism continues because it can't be tested one way or the other.  If you can't test something, it is just religious bovine feculence.

Listen CAREFULLY to these two videos until you understand. Falsification is the only thing that is truly false in science and it is totally worthless. Truthification is all that matters.
Falsification directly opposes the scientific inquiry methods that are the foundation of real science.  It forces idiots to test their theories and to show they have at least some validity.  Falsification allows bovine feculence to be perpetuated because it does not force these pseudo scientists to put their crap to the scientific mythology.

I don't know what falsification means? Each time you try to falsify a statement, you also attempt to "truthify" it (I would rather call it confirming). However, the only way to prove something is to test all possible possibilities, and so hence you can not do it. Falsify something takes one single sentence. For example, relativity theory says that light will bend in a gravitational field, and this can be tested. So they did, in an attempt to falsify relativity theory. But they found that the predictions in the theory were correct, and so hence it was not falsified. BUT! That does NOT prove relativity theory. I have not only thought a lot about this principle, I have used it myself. Even in mathematics and theoretical physics this principle is used.

Title: Re: Falsification is not even a scientific principle.
Post by metha on Dec 26th, 2009 at 3:34pm
And besides, you say that falsification is not scientific at all, but you are trying to falsify evolution theory here.

Title: Re: Falsification is not even a scientific principle.
Post by GoodScienceForYou on Dec 26th, 2009 at 9:21pm

metha wrote on Dec 26th, 2009 at 3:34pm:
And besides, you say that falsification is not scientific at all, but you are trying to falsify evolution theory here.

There is no way to falsify something that is basically a religion made up from fantasy, because there is no way to test for or against it. It is a joke and a fraud.

The only real science is one of positive testing that produces results.

You have been indoctrinated and for some reason you believe in this crap, when you have never actually thought about it.

Title: Re: Falsification is not even a scientific principle.
Post by metha on Dec 27th, 2009 at 4:26am

GoodScienceForYou wrote on Dec 26th, 2009 at 9:21pm:

metha wrote on Dec 26th, 2009 at 3:34pm:
And besides, you say that falsification is not scientific at all, but you are trying to falsify evolution theory here.

There is no way to falsify something that is basically a religion made up from fantasy, because there is now way to test for or against it. It is a joke and a fraud.

The only real science is one of positive testing that produces results.

Ok, I agree that there is no way to falsify religion or delusional beliefs. But I thought you meant that falsification is not a part of real science? Or did I misunderstand?

Falsification is most certainly a part of real science. You cannot prove relativity theory. But we can seek to confirm it by trying to falsify what the theory says. Each time we have made an attempt to falsify relativity theory, we failed, and that is yet another confirmation. But we cannot say that it is absolutely true because: (1) We cannot test all possibilities and we cannot be 100% sure that our testing is flawless, (2) We do not know all the implications of relativity theory (we can always find new implications), and to test all implications, that we might not even know about, is obviously impossible.

Title: Re: Falsification is not even a scientific principle.
Post by prolescum on Dec 27th, 2009 at 6:34am

metha wrote on Dec 27th, 2009 at 4:26am:

GoodScienceForYou wrote on Dec 26th, 2009 at 9:21pm:

metha wrote on Dec 26th, 2009 at 3:34pm:
And besides, you say that falsification is not scientific at all, but you are trying to falsify evolution theory here.

There is no way to falsify something that is basically a religion made up from fantasy, because there is now way to test for or against it. It is a joke and a fraud.

The only real science is one of positive testing that produces results.

Ok, I agree that there is no way to falsify religion or delusional beliefs. But I thought you meant that falsification is not a part of real science? Or did I misunderstand?

Falsification is most certainly a part of real science. You cannot prove relativity theory. But we can seek to confirm it by trying to falsify what the theory says. Each time we have made an attempt to falsify relativity theory, we failed, and that is yet another confirmation. But we cannot say that it is absolutely true because: (1) We cannot test all possibilities and we cannot be 100% sure that our testing is flawless, (2) We do not know all the implications of relativity theory (we can always find new implications), and to test all implications, that we might not even know about, is obviously impossible.

Very well said metha, however, GSFY has his own definitions of words despite supposedly hating those who change definitions to suit their case. I'd call him a hypocrite, but I think he thinks it's some type of lightly flavoured isotonic fluid.

According to him, a mutation is not a simple change, neither good or bad as per any dictionary on this pleasant Earth, but a genetic freak a la the Elephant man who probably needs lifelong surgery. This is how the X-Men refer to mutation. I'm pretty sure he doesn't actually own a dictionary (or a thesaurus going by the constant repetition on these boards).

Title: Re: Falsification is not even a scientific principle.
Post by Simianus on Dec 28th, 2009 at 7:35pm

So, some idiot proposed this idea of "falsification" meaning that you do not have to prove science you must disprove it to get rid of it.  This is ridiculous because you cannot disprove something that cannot be tested,like Evodelusionism (a religion).  There is absolutely no way to test to see if any of it is real; and with no way to test it, no way to disprove it either. So it hangs around like a bad dream that refuses to go away.

Indeed! This is why the argument between science and religion will never end. You can't disprove something scientifically that is entirely hypothetical and out of the realm of science - the two are like apples and oranges.

In real science by the use of the proper scientific method, a premise, hypothesis or theory is either "True" or "Not Proven" If it is not proven is NOT the same as "false".  It is nearly (almost infinitely) impossible to disprove a theory and its premises (falsified).  But it can be repeatedly shown to be not proven over and over and over and over..........billions of times.    In order to falsify something you would have to test it by billions upon billions of iterations of tests and even after the 10,000,000,000th time it might work in one case, so it can't ever be falsified even if it has no evidence at all as in "Evolution".  If you understand science then you would understand what I just said.

This is why science can't disprove god.

Falsification was put into science to perpetuate a mythological religious idea of evolution, that has no evidence to back it.  It has but one purpose to stop other religions and create mass hysteria of control over young people.  This is the "communist" dogma, to control the masses by fear.    Belief in God stops fear and makes people fight for the truth and against oppression.

Really glad you don't believe the earth is flat. People who disagreed were burned, you know.

It is a popular religion because it destroys other religions in the minds of young and weak children who "lay down" for this crap, because of cultural pressure.  It is one religion being accepted as if it was science, and it is posed against other religions.

Schools are about teaching kids to think and question; knowledge is a bonus. Some of the people I most respect are people who disagree with me but at least make the effort to really address what I say. Frankly - I'm open and willing to believe anything - you just have to prove it, first. (Ergo - I believe nothing but probabilities. :P)

Go look at all those fossils, but without the indoctrinated believers shoving their beliefs down your brain.  Back off and become seekers of the truth.
Humans are utterly flawed and because they are easily duped by "experts" and people who are in power over their livelihood, teachers, preachers,  and using peer pressure and such force children to believe this crap before they take one class on it.
By the time a child is 6 years old they are already believing. The cartoons and "science for kids TV shows"  have fully indoctrinated them into belief in mythological creatures that never existed. They are fully prepped for brainwashing.

This is what we do as human beings. Allowing kids to participate in the harmless un-reality of Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, etc, is helping them experience, test and separate reality from fantasy, so that one day they can make a choice between the two. If you're going to force only "truth" on kids at an early age without allowing them roleplay and imagination, they won't have the ability to make the distinction. And imagination is the fuel for innovation and learning for human beings, but as with anything, moderation is key.

Did you agree with everything you were taught in school? I didn't. Thankfully, school taught me that I had the option. A series of teachers of different opinion and possessing individual bias was enough to rid any expectation of "perfection."

Until this idiot, Communist, Karl Popper, who wanted this "theory of evolution", which is really a mytholoical religion to be around forever and to continue to give it life, he pushed this idea of "falsification" or you don't have to prove anything in science to keep the theory around forever.

If you have no way to test even one hypothesis of this theory, of creatures evolving into a new genus or totally new species with new morphology, then you can't "falsify it either".  There is no way to falsify a religious belief.

There's no way to prove anything, and distinguishing between nonreality and reality is not an easy task. Welcome to life and existence on the grey scale - critical thinking is our best, and only useful resource.

Argument isn't worthwhile unless it methodically addresses its opponents' points. Argument is a two-way discussion, not a fight - fights accomplish nothing and arguments are about learning. If you are truly interested in debating, don't change the topic, and at least try to understand the points levelled at you. Hopefully this is a place of intelligent exchange and not your personal soapbox.

Title: Re: Falsification is not even a scientific principle.
Post by prolescum on Dec 29th, 2009 at 4:45am

GoodScienceForYou wrote on Dec 26th, 2009 at 2:18pm:
Listen CAREFULLY to these two videos until you understand. Falsification is the only thing that is truly false in science and it is totally worthless. Truthification is all that matters.

Don't you try to truthinize me, dude. Your truthinator will never stop me from being truthinally truthworthy.

A science that pollutes established definitions of scientific terms to match a belief is just garbage.

- FailScienceForEver

Truthification, eh?

There are links to three dictionaries in my signature.

Title: Re: Falsification is not even a scientific principle.
Post by Simianus on Dec 29th, 2009 at 7:10pm
Good point my friend.

Rewriting the dictionary, while an admirable endeavor, isn't going to win you points.

Title: Re: Falsification is not even a scientific principle.
Post by GoodScienceForYou on Jan 2nd, 2010 at 8:25pm

Simianus wrote on Dec 29th, 2009 at 7:10pm:
Good point my friend.

Rewriting the dictionary, while an admirable endeavor, isn't going to win you points.

You Evodelusionsists have rewritten the laws of science to fit you f**king religion.  You have changed several foundational scientific terms that has real definitions until this garbage religion took over biology.  And you have the audacity when I request that we have some truth in science?   WTF is the matter with you morons?

This photo is the ancestor of all Evodelusionists.
Democrat_head_up_ass.jpg (17 KB | 190 )

Title: Re: Falsification is not even a scientific principle.
Post by Aught3 on Jan 2nd, 2010 at 8:32pm
Fossilised rabbits in Precambrian rock layers would be a very good start to disproving evolution.

Title: Re: Falsification is not even a scientific principle.
Post by GoodScienceForYou on Jan 3rd, 2010 at 2:03pm

Aught3 wrote on Jan 2nd, 2010 at 8:32pm:
Fossilised rabbits in Precambrian rock layers would be a very good start to disproving evolution.

Who told you that, and why do you believe them?

That is a pat answer, that has nothing to do with reality. It only shows that you took the same nonsense class as other brainwashed people have taken.

You cannot test for anything of evolution. There exists no way to apply the scientific method to this idea of fish becoming human over some immense time.  There is no evidence for this, only belief of brainwashed fools.

Here again is the question for you to come up with the answer:

Where is your absolute evidence for evolution, that is irrefutable and has no other plausibilities and has no human emotional mental garbage beliefs and opinions in it?

I have studied this for over 40 years and all that exists in all these "papers" is opinions from people who believe. That is not evidence.

Title: Re: Falsification is not even a scientific principle.
Post by GoodScienceForYou on Jan 9th, 2010 at 11:40pm

metha wrote on Dec 27th, 2009 at 4:26am:

GoodScienceForYou wrote on Dec 26th, 2009 at 9:21pm:

metha wrote on Dec 26th, 2009 at 3:34pm:
And besides, you say that falsification is not scientific at all, but you are trying to falsify evolution theory here.

There is no way to falsify something that is basically a religion made up from fantasy, because there is now way to test for or against it. It is a joke and a fraud.

The only real science is one of positive testing that produces results.

Ok, I agree that there is no way to falsify religion or delusional beliefs. But I thought you meant that falsification is not a part of real science? Or did I misunderstand?

Falsification is most certainly a part of real science. You cannot prove relativity theory. But we can seek to confirm it by trying to falsify what the theory says. Each time we have made an attempt to falsify relativity theory, we failed, and that is yet another confirmation. But we cannot say that it is absolutely true because: (1) We cannot test all possibilities and we cannot be 100% sure that our testing is flawless, (2) We do not know all the implications of relativity theory (we can always find new implications), and to test all implications, that we might not even know about, is obviously impossible.

If you were to even read Popper you would see that he condoned this idea as a way to put religion in science.  Go read and you will find his comments on this.  He liked the idea of having beliefs in science that are just philosophy with no basis in physical testing. 

If there is no physical testing to see if something works, then it is not science. 

Falsification is not science, is is part of protecting a religion.

Results from scientific testing is all that really count.  Trying to falsify something does not work if you have nothing in the first place, so it perpetuates crap beliefs in science.

You seem to believe that abstract math is directly related to science. It isn't related at all.  The only time math is related is when you can use it to predict real events and the results of physical forces.  Like calculation of mass, momentum, force on objects.

If it has no practical use, then it is just pure math and not applicable to physical processes.  You need to separate that in your mind.

There is no random in the physical world.  There is only cause and effect. 

Title: Re: Falsification is not even a scientific principle.
Post by metha on Jan 15th, 2010 at 12:45pm

GoodScienceForYou wrote on Jan 9th, 2010 at 11:40pm:
If you were to even read Popper you would see that he condoned this idea as a way to put religion in science.  Go read and you will find his comments on this.  He liked the idea of having beliefs in science that are just philosophy with no basis in physical testing. 

LOL, you don't think I've read Popper? If you are a scientist (which you are not), you would know that everyone else, like me, has read Popper. And he says nothing of the kind.

The only real science is one of positive testing that produces results.

You are saying that if you test a hypothesis, and the test is negative, you still believe in the hypothesis. This is not science, ludicrous.

If there is no physical testing to see if something works, then it is not science. 

Falsification is not science, is is part of protecting a religion.

Falsification is simply the process of adjusting a hypothesis. It is simple the experiment itself.

Results from scientific testing is all that really count.  Trying to falsify something does not work if you have nothing in the first place, so it perpetuates crap beliefs in science.

For Einstein it worked, when he falsified Newton.

You seem to believe that abstract math is directly related to science.

You don'e even know what abstract math is. Tell me what a category is and give me an example. Then I'll believe you.

It isn't related at all.

LOL!!! LMAO!!!! All math is motivated by real phenomenons.

The only time math is related is when you can use it to predict real events and the results of physical forces.  Like calculation of mass, momentum, force on objects.

So tell me ONE single mathematical theorem that is not possible to apply to the real world. If you can't you are totally discredited, and should never be heard from again.

If it has no practical use, then it is just pure math and not applicable to physical processes.  You need to separate that in your mind.

All math can be applied. The math that is not applied yet, has been developed this week, and it will be applied the next week.

There is no random in the physical world.  There is only cause and effect. 

And you still believe that God gave us free will (you say suddenly that you believe in God), but you do not believe that what we do can not be determined by science? LOL, how contradictory is that?

Title: Re: Falsification is not even a scientific principle.
Post by GoodScienceForYou on Jan 15th, 2010 at 12:53pm

metha wrote on Jan 15th, 2010 at 12:45pm:

GoodScienceForYou wrote on Jan 9th, 2010 at 11:40pm:
If you were to even read Popper you would see that he condoned this idea as a way to put religion in science.  Go read and you will find his comments on this.  He liked the idea of having beliefs in science that are just philosophy with no basis in physical testing. 

LOL, you don't think I've read Popper? If you are a scientist (which you are not), you would know that everyone else, like me, has read Popper. And he says nothing of the kind.

The only real science is one of positive testing that produces results.

You are saying that if you test a hypothesis, and the test is negative, you still believe in the hypothesis. This is not science, ludicrous.

[quote]If there is no physical testing to see if something works, then it is not science. 

Falsification is not science, is is part of protecting a religion.

Falsification is simply the process of adjusting a hypothesis. It is simple the experiment itself.

Results from scientific testing is all that really count.  Trying to falsify something does not work if you have nothing in the first place, so it perpetuates crap beliefs in science.

For Einstein it worked, when he falsified Newton.

You seem to believe that abstract math is directly related to science.

You don'e even know what abstract math is. Tell me what a category is and give me an example. Then I'll believe you.

It isn't related at all.

LOL!!! LMAO!!!! All math is motivated by real phenomenons.

The only time math is related is when you can use it to predict real events and the results of physical forces.  Like calculation of mass, momentum, force on objects.

So tell me ONE single mathematical theorem that is not possible to apply to the real world. If you can't you are totally discredited, and should never be heard from again.

If it has no practical use, then it is just pure math and not applicable to physical processes.  You need to separate that in your mind.

All math can be applied. The math that is not applied yet, has been developed this week, and it will be applied the next week.

There is no random in the physical world.  There is only cause and effect. 

And you still believe that God gave us free will (you say suddenly that you believe in God), but you do not believe that what we do can not be determined by science? LOL, how contradictory is that?


I suggest that you read Popper without someone telling you what he said. That would be a good way for you to get free.

His premise is that science is really abstract not physical and is philosophical and so inference implication and garbage like that are OK.
This is not OK if you are a real scientists.

Title: Re: Falsification is not even a scientific principle.
Post by GoodScienceForYou on Jan 15th, 2010 at 5:20pm

Simianus wrote on Dec 29th, 2009 at 7:10pm:
Good point my friend.

Rewriting the dictionary, while an admirable endeavor, isn't going to win you points.

The issue is not me rewriting any dictionary it is the Evodelusionists who do that. 
I maintain foundational scientific terms that are useful and already have complete definitions. When someone changes a foundational scientific definition that has been around for over 200 years, that spells corruption.
I fight against Evodelusionists who want to make the dictionary fit their beliefs. 

Title: Re: Falsification is not even a scientific principle.
Post by GoodScienceForYou on Feb 28th, 2010 at 5:20pm

Simianus wrote on Dec 29th, 2009 at 7:10pm:
Good point my friend.

Rewriting the dictionary, while an admirable endeavor, isn't going to win you points.

Evodelusionists have screwed up the dictionary with this crap belief.  I think all Evodelusionists are criminals. Not just some funny people.

Title: Re: Falsification is not even a scientific principle.
Post by moronbasher on Mar 17th, 2010 at 11:10am
I didn't read all of the stupid crap StupidCrapForYou put out about the MOST IMPORTANT SCIENTIFIC METHOD EXISTING, just a few things:

1. In science, there is NO absolute proof for anything, there are hypotheses and, the stronger form of a hypothesis, Theories.

A valid hypothesis has to be supported by evidences, the more evidences there are, the nearer a Hypothesis gets to becoming a Theory.

A hypothesis HAS TO BE FALSIFIABLE, otherwise it won't get any attention in the scientific community (like uhmm...creationism for example!).

So, falsifiability as a scientific principle is the consequence of acknowledging the fact, that scientific statements, hypotheses etc. are not the everlasting truth, but always in challenge with evidences that point to other hypotheses or theories. It's therefore one of the most important and respected principles in science.

2. The theorie of evolution is falsifiable, if there were fossiles of humans found in the same layer of earth as dinosaurs for example, evolution would be obviously wrong and falsified. As a matter of fact thats not the case.

3. Creationism is not a falsifiable "theory", because it is based on metaphysical and therefore unfalsifiable, wacky statements about the earth and it's qualities and history.

4. Creationism is f**king stupid.

Title: Re: Falsification is not even a scientific principle.
Post by moronbasher on Mar 17th, 2010 at 11:15am
btw. does "GoodScienceForYou" run this forum?! I'm just asking because I thought this was supposed to be a neutral forum or something...?

Title: Re: Falsification is not even a scientific principle.
Post by GoodScienceForYou on Mar 19th, 2010 at 12:31am

wrote on Mar 17th, 2010 at 11:10am:
I didn't read all of the stupid crap StupidCrapForYou put out about the MOST IMPORTANT SCIENTIFIC METHOD EXISTING, just a few things:

1. In science, there is NO absolute proof for anything, there are hypotheses and, the stronger form of a hypothesis, Theories.

A valid hypothesis has to be supported by evidences, the more evidences there are, the nearer a Hypothesis gets to becoming a Theory.

Where is the evidence for Evolution.  I have never seen any.  I know all of the crap, (understand it better than you do) that is believed to be evidence, but it is not.  If you take away the religious belief, and the brainwashing, there is no evidence that even suggests that evolution is possible.  This is why, not one Evodelusionist has been able to answer my question on the evidence.

If you have no absolute evidence that is not irrefutable, has no other plausibilities, and is physical, without any delusional beliefs and opinions, that would be real evidence to form a theory on.

When some fake scientists told you that you don't need evidence to form a belief, that all you need is a screwed up theory, and YOU BELIEVED THEM,  is when you became a moron who cannot think for yourself.  You are owned by those you gave up logic and reason in order to be accepted or whatever you weak suck reasoning was.  When you surrender up logic and reasonableness for a belief with no evidence to support it, you became a cult member of the Evodelusionism cult.

wrote on Mar 17th, 2010 at 11:10am:
A hypothesis HAS TO BE FALSIFIABLE, otherwise it won't get any attention in the scientific community (like uhmm...creationism for example!).

So, falsifiability as a scientific principle is the consequence of acknowledging the fact, that scientific statements, hypotheses etc. are not the everlasting truth, but always in challenge with evidences that point to other hypotheses or theories. It's therefore one of the most important and respected principles in science.

Who told you that falsification was a scientific principle? Why did you believe them?  Falsification is not even included in any of the scientific methods from real science.  It is a philosophical nonsense that got into science in order to perpetuate religious beliefs.

wrote on Mar 17th, 2010 at 11:10am:
2. The theorie of evolution is falsifiable, if there were fossiles of humans found in the same layer of earth as dinosaurs for example, evolution would be obviously wrong and falsified. As a matter of fact thats not the case.

Who ever taught you that really messed up your brain. In order for a sane person to form any beliefs, there must be evidence FOR something.  Not having any evidence against something is not real.  It is a delusional fantasy, that allows dumb ass people to believe in things because they can't be falsified.  Falsification is not even a scientific principle.  It never has been and never will be.

wrote on Mar 17th, 2010 at 11:10am:
3. Creationism is not a falsifiable "theory", because it is based on metaphysical and therefore unfalsifiable, wacky statements about the earth and it's qualities and history.

4. Creationism is f**king stupid.

Arguing Creationism, VS Evodelusionism is not an argument.  It is not even rational.  Those who use this argument are not scientists, but are religious nut cases.

Title: Re: Falsification is not even a scientific principle.
Post by GoodScienceForYou on Mar 19th, 2010 at 12:44am

GoodScienceForYou wrote on Nov 8th, 2009 at 10:05am:

The idea of "falsification" was put into science by a Communist, who was basically anti-religion and hated the idea of having to curtail his lower compulsions because of religious rules..  He figured the only way to stop religion was to use "science" and pawn off delusional ideas as science. 

It was allowed to be introduced because society demanded proof at that time for science and absolute evidence for any scientific concept.  That means that pet theories were stricken for lack of evidence and they did not last long if they had no real evidence.  This is called "truthification" or showing that it is actually true.
This way, with "falsification" any "pseudo science" would remain forever as long as it could not be "falsified".

So, some idiot proposed this idea of "falsification" meaning that you do not have to prove science you must disprove it to get rid of it.  This is ridiculous because you cannot disprove something that cannot be tested,like Evodelusionism (a religion).  There is absolutely no way to test to see if any of it is real; and with no way to test it, no way to disprove it either. So it hangs around like a bad dream that refuses to go away.

So, falsification allows religious, mythological beliefs to perpetuate in "science".
We now have these mythological creatures that have never existed, but they are believed to be the "common ancestors" of all life on earth and other such religious nonsense.  There is no evidence of this evolution of all creatures from one life form.  It does not exist, but only in the minds of believers. 

In real science by the use of the proper scientific method, a premise, hypothesis or theory is either "True" or "Not Proven" If it is not proven is NOT the same as "false".  It is nearly (almost infinitely) impossible to disprove a theory and its premises (falsified).  But it can be repeatedly shown to be not proven over and over and over and over..........billions of times.    In order to falsify something you would have to test it by billions upon billions of iterations of tests and even after the 10,000,000,000th time it might work in one case, so it can't ever be falsified even if it has no evidence at all as in "Evolution".  If you understand science then you would understand what I just said.

Falsification was put into science to perpetuate a mythological religious idea of evolution, that has no evidence to back it.  It has but one purpose to stop other religions and create mass hysteria of control over young people.  This is the "communist" dogma, to control the masses by fear.    Belief in God stops fear and makes people fight for the truth and against oppression.

It is a popular religion because it destroys other religions in the minds of young and weak children who "lay down" for this crap, because of cultural pressure.  It is one religion being accepted as if it was science, and it is posed against other religions.

The absolute truth is that it has no way of being proven or disproved, because it is a fantasy.

There is no DNA in fossils.  That means that fantasy can categorize fossils into any belief the brainwashed believer wants.  Many people have been put to death who were innocent, until DNA came about to show their innocence. Presumption is the foundation of belief in some brainwashed premise.

The only thing that allows those fossils to be categorized and to be falsely tied together is human emotional mental garbage beliefs that are pounded into children's heads in school, and by society that is conned into thinking this crap is science by use of media, cartoons, and cultural brainwashing.  This is in the form of brainwashed, indoctrinated, crap religion being pawned off as "science".

This idea of "falsification" allows this crap religion to be perpetuated and to be pawned off as science. As long as "falsification" continues this mythology continues in school.

That was the idea of Karl Popper, the communist and hater of God and religion.  How are people so stupid? Because they allow other people to control their thoughts.  Children are allowed to be indoctrinated by parents who have been indoctrinated and so it perpetuates with no friggin evidence.

Now, all of you!   You go do the research that I have done. Go read 20,000 or so papers on this pseudo science. You will see a "perspective" in the mind that presupposes this is "truth" in all those papers, but no evidence, only one opinion after another.

Go look at all those fossils, but without the indoctrinated believers shoving their beliefs down your brain.  Back off and become seekers of the truth.
Humans are utterly flawed and because they are easily duped by "experts" and people who are in power over their livelihood, teachers, preachers,  and using peer pressure and such force children to believe this crap before they take one class on it.
By the time a child is 6 years old they are already believing. The cartoons and "science for kids TV shows"  have fully indoctrinated them into belief in mythological creatures that never existed. They are fully prepped for brainwashing.

The classes have no contrary information in them that would stop any sane person from believing this crap.

I have asked many students if they know about the tons of contradictions in this science, and they don't. This is never taught to them in school, because it would ruin the cult like religion.
These students do not even know what inference, implication, assumption or any of the methods used on them are.
Every generation is perpetuating this because it is forced on the children, and it is child abuse to force belief in something that has no evidence to back it.

If you have any evidence for evolution, I would gladly look at it.  However, the evidence must have no opinions by anyone in it.  It must be empirical, fully tested and repeatable over and over and pass the scientific method every time: obvious and irrefutable.

LIsten to these videos over and over until you are free from this idea of "falsification".  It is nonsense, having no place in rational science.

Title: Re: Falsification is not even a scientific principle.
Post by GoodScienceForYou on Apr 18th, 2010 at 1:17pm
The absolute best place to brainwash children is in the classroom.  This is why all religious non scientific crap needs to be removed from public schools.  Evodelusionism is a religion based on no evidence, but a lot of religious slogans, like "evolutionary pressure", "Natural Selection", and "random mutations", "falsification" all of which are religious or philisophical nonsense that have NEVER passed a single scientific experiment to show them as true.

If you want to be free, then stop believing every piece of crap dogma that is inflicted on you.  Check out everything they say.  If they tell you  anything, you test it to see if it is true, before you allow it to sway your mind.

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