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Message started by ex_chump on Nov 25th, 2009 at 12:35pm

Title: Nylon Eating Bacteria So I watched a video
Post by ex_chump on Nov 25th, 2009 at 12:35pm

The number of errors you make in this video are staggering, so I'll just talk about your problems with the nylon eating bacteria.

1. You claim nylon is made of "organic carbon" and that "synthetic carbon-based matter". First of all this statement doesn't make sense. Synthetic means something that is made, generally by people. Nylon does not occur in nature. It's synthetic. It doesn't matter where or how you get the ingredients. It is a man made material.

2. The you say "bacteria adapts to eat any carbon based material if it needs to". So are you saying the bacteria already has a gene that creates an enzyme that allows it to disassemble nylon? Or that bacteria can eat anything with carbon in the composition? They know which gene allows the bacteria to eat nylon and non-nylon eating bacteria don't have it.

Plus not all bacteria "eat carbon based" material. Some use photosynthesis for energy

3. Then you say bacteria never changes into new species, it stays bacteria. First of all "bacteria" isn't a species. There are specific individual strains of bacteria (here are some examples

Title: Re: So I watched a video..
Post by GoodScienceForYou on Nov 25th, 2009 at 2:16pm

wrote on Nov 25th, 2009 at 12:35pm:


The number of errors you make in this video are staggering, so I'll just talk about your problems with the nylon eating bacteria.

1. You claim nylon is made of "organic carbon" and that "synthetic carbon-based matter". First of all this statement doesn't make sense. Synthetic means something that is made, generally by people. Nylon does not occur in nature. It's synthetic. It doesn't matter where or how you get the ingredients. It is a man made material.

2. The you say "bacteria adapts to eat any carbon based material if it needs to". So are you saying the bacteria already has a gene that creates an enzyme that allows it to disassemble nylon? Or that bacteria can eat anything with carbon in the composition? They know which gene allows the bacteria to eat nylon and non-nylon eating bacteria don't have it.

Plus not all bacteria "eat carbon based" material. Some use photosynthesis for energy

3. Then you say bacteria never changes into new species, it stays bacteria. First of all "bacteria" isn't a species. There are specific individual strains of bacteria (here are some examples

I never make any errors in my statements.  You make the error of seeing with your delusional beliefs. You have not shown a single piece of evidence for evolution. you have only use the unproven "slogans" of belief that you were taught and that is not evidence.  This is just another example of this delusional religion you belong to.

I hate deception and Straw Man "bovine feculence" of you projecting "what you think you read". People use them all the time to protect their delusions on each other.
Each time you trey to deceive me I will put another nail in your HEMG belief's coffin. After awhile your ridiculous belief based, prideful and lost ego will have to surrender to reality or I will just cut you off as a lost cause and you can go on with your delusional garbage thinking until the end. 

Why would you want to remain SO ignorant?
Your ignorance almost makes me ill. It certainly makes me pity you.

1/There is no such thing as "synthetic carbon" used in nylon.  I want you to find any man made carbon in nylon! I want you to find any man made carbon on this earth.

Where does petroleum come from?  Ill bet you can't even answer that one after your last statements.
And why is it so finite in its quantity?
Could it be because it is carbon based and that can only come from carbon based living creatures?
Do you ever think at all or do you just love "slogans" of the cult of Evodelusionism?
Have you ever taken a class on chemistry?

You are telling the world that you work with gene therapy and you haven't understood chemistry?  Go look up the formula for nylon and what it is made of.

It is the fairy tale projected as best as these delusional religious believers can come up with.  It is not even a good argument. Yet you think it is.  It just shows that you are indoctrinated and you are not able to think on your own.

It is fraud to state that nylon is composed of synthetic carbon.  And if you go look at the formula, if you have ever taken a chemistry class(I doubt it), you will find it is called carbon 6 or Carbon 6.6 are the two types of nylon. Wake up from your delusion. Google it! Get yourself educated before you speak.

Bacteria are made to adapt to and  eat carbon based organic matter, and carbon is organic.  We are called "carbon based" for a reason and our bodies are filled with bacteria.  Try to educate yourself on things before you write or speak.

2/ Bacteria is designed to adapt, quicker and better than most organisms on earth.  It is made this way because all life as we know here on earth would cease to exist, if bacteria did not adapt.  It has never evolved into anything. There is no evidence of it morphing into a fish.  Wake up and educate yourself away from the indoctrination. Projection of BS beliefs on the physical world is a delusional problem of weak minded people.

It can never evolve, because it is necessary to be exactly the way it is or we have nothing to do the "jobs" for us that we absolutely need in order to live. 
If bacteria wasn't exactly as it is.  You and I would not exist. Bacteria has never evolved into anything but id does adapt (it only adapts and does not evolve) become new strains of bacteria.

Do you ever think about anything?  Are you just a (pawn of religious Evodelusional beliefs) person who only goes with the religious Evodelusional  beliefs?

Species is what it is.  Like a dog is a species. Strains of bacteria are similar to the "breeds" of dogs.  This definition has been around, long before weak humans decided to force their human garbage beliefs on bacteria and change the definitions of the term species to fit the human garbage belief. There are only two species of bacteria.

"If you don't like the facts, change the facts" That is your motto.
Stop messing with foundational scientific terms so you can squeeze your BS religion and call it "science".

That is not how objective science operates.  Objective science never manipulates foundational scientific terms to fit a garbage religion as you seem to do. Objective science goes with what is actually observed and if a scientific term has been around for 100's of years, there is no need to change it. It is fraud to change the terminology in order to confuse people.

They have taken "non nylon eating" bacteria and fed it nylon and only nylon and it adapts to eat nylon very well. You need to read up on this, because you are way off and very ignorant.   Go look it up!

Whenever someone tells you something you NEVER believe them.  My motto is "Who told you that and why the heck would you just lay down your intellectual guard and believe them?"
The first thing I did was go look up the chemical formula for nylon.  I would think that any rational person would do that.
Since you are so eager to accept any HEMG they feed you, you have never even thought about this. You just lay down like a submissive dog and accept this from your gods you believe in college or unversity.

Because we have lazy students who just lay down for every  indoctrination technique as you do, we have terrible scientists now all screwed up and they in turn are teaching this pseudo science to children.

Bacteria is amazing, and not to be messed with.  You can create a man made plague if you don't control your urge to push its' limits.  Did you read my possible cure for cancer tumors?  I'll bet you did not.

"Plus not all bacteria "eat carbon based" material. Some use photosynthesis for energy"

You fool, "grasping at straws" anything to hold on to your beliefs: photosynthesis is a process to use carbon as fuel.  Go look up the process.  Are you really that ignorant? You should read and study as I do, away from the indoctrinators.

This is a Straw Man sidestepping human garbage that I hate, Only delusional weak fools, do that dishonorable technique!

It is way beneath you to try all this sidestepping nonsense.

  How much do these fake authorities own your mind?  Only a lay down weak baby, to those liars, uses such nonsense to protect and defend, their human emotional mental garbage religion of mystical events.
Get this straight, there is no mystical magic BS  in science.

I live in the real world and make observation.  You live in fantasy and distort what you see to fit your Evodelusionism religion.

I never talked about any other type of bacteria. I focus on what is obvious, which you can't.   You are blinded by your religion of Evodelusionism that has no basis in reality.

This sidestepping (Straw Man) of the issue is a bad reflection on you,  and the kind of garbage used in Creationist / Evodelusionist arguments. 

It is disrespectful, despicable and shows what a tiny man would do to save themselves from the destruction of your fundamentalist mythological Evodelusion religion.

There will be no Straw Man garbage allowed here.  If you miss quote me again and inject something that is not in the subject or in the video, then I will block you and you can go back to your delusional kiss ass cult members and stay ignorant. Let them pat your poor ego's back and tell you "it's OK, we love you and Evolution is for "smart" people. Don't let that GoodScienceForYou guy make you feel bad."

Keep in mind that I will continue to dissect your postings and you will not be able to respond. That is what you risk if you don't be civil.

This is a typical Straw Man BS projection of fantasy with your messed up religious beliefs at the root of this insanity. 

Delusions are called mental illnesses.  If you see things that do not exist then you are insane.  In this case you are telling people that carbon is synthetic, which is a fantasy.

I don't care if you are the messiah, if you see things that are not real, you are delusional.

There is no mystical magic in science.  I hate religious,  beliefs projected on evidence. Just observe and study, and don't believe anything that has no absolute evidence.

You wear blinders that only focus your delusions on what you "believe" you "see"  "AMEN Praise Darwin the savior of science." That is how stupid this crap is.
You have not provided a single shred of evidence that evolution exists on this planet.  Don't you know that?
All you have done is repeat "slogans" of brainwashing with no actual physical evidence.

You have shown the world how this religious belief has crept into biology and how it uses slippery tactics of changing facts and definitions of science terms/words to fit the human emotional mental garbage belief.

There is one thing for sure about evolution and as fact.
Evolution is ABSOLUTELY not proven!  Yet brainwashed believers, like you, believe in it anyway.

Evodelusionists insult and degrade themselves with this.  It makes you look like you have no brains.  They are considered to be loons by anyone with brains who has not been brainwashed into this crap religion.  You are ridiculed by most people on earth, the silent majority, for this crap belief.  Did you know that?

Carbon is carbon and it is only found naturally in this world.
Go falsify that one.  [smiley=tekst-toppie.gif]
Society has turned science into a bunch of delusional nitwits who see things and can't see what is obvious, by allowing this bovine feculence religion, Evodelusionism, in science.

Only complete moron losers believe in fantasy!  Why would you want to be included in that crowd?

A man should only go with what is right in front of you, not what you want to see because of your human emotional mental garbage religion.

You keep spouting nonsense and you think it is real.  That is really sad. Get rid of your crap religion (Evodelusionism) and we will get along just fine. You need to learn to see what is right in front of your nose first, then you can spread that knowledge out to become real and objective. You are trained out of your ability to see and reason.

3/ Bacteria is a species. It can adapt and change as needed to the environment faster than most any other creatures.  You should know this.  Specific stains of bacteria have different characteristics, but they are ALL bacteria and have never evolved into a fish as is the belief of your human emotional mental garbage.

It doesn't matter that there are photosynthesis versions of bacteria, which is a carbon process by the way. The main line is only carbon eating, enzymes, processing. And by the way photosynthesis is a process of converting carbon into energy.  I don't think you know that or you would not use that as an argument.

Bacteria never evolves because not one single creature on this earth has been shown to evolve into an entirely new creature, genus or even a complicated different species in the same genus.  Go falsify that one.  HA! HA!

Do you see how your human emotional mental garbage religious beliefs screw up what is right in front of you?

Title: Re: So I watched a video..
Post by ex_chump on Nov 25th, 2009 at 2:44pm
I see the signs. You are completely unreasonable and you are a liar. Here are the specific sentences that are inspiring me to stop talking to you.

I never make any errors in my statements.

I've repeatedly shown you error after error in what you say.

There is no such thing as "synthetic carbon" used in nylon.  I want you to find any man made carbon in nylon! I want you to find any man made carbon on this earth. It is fraud to state that nylon is composed of synthetic carbon.

I said Nylon was synthetic, not carbon. Are you for real?

Bacteria is designed to adapt,

Designed? Oh REALLY?

Wake up from your delusions.

Never heard that before.

Bacteria is a species

Haha..  ::)

I'm done with your nonsense. It's just the same crap over and over. You know nothing of science. Have fun with your silly website and your iron-fisted forum and your every 3rd word misspelled videos.

Title: Re: So I watched a video..
Post by GoodScienceForYou on Nov 25th, 2009 at 3:23pm
I will not put up with, those who use Straw Man and other idiot techniques to try and support their BS religions, like your Evodelusionism, and you are a coward!  You cannot face reality of how this belief has messed up your objective reasoning abilities.

Only weak people use Straw Man.

Only unreasonable people are not able to read reasonable and accurate statements and call them inaccurate.  Your "educated nonsense" is so full of logical fallacies, that I am barely be able to read it. But I do read it in order to help you.

It is the same brainwashed bovine garbage that the all say, with not an original thought ANYWHERE!

I specifically asked you to find any carbon that is synthetic and you ran, like a baby with their hand in the cookie jar.

And you did not realize that photosynthesis is a form of carbon processing. Go back to school and learn before you make statements that are false.

If you want to be a real scientist you have to get rid of the fantasy, religious (Illusionary Evolution) beliefs, you live with.

You have not given one single piece of evidence to support your belief.  You have only repeated nonsense words that have no evidence or any use of the scientific method on them. Evodelusion slogans are a form of brainwashing.

There is no such thing as "Evolutionary Pressure".  It is a made up word that has never been tested by anyone. I have never read a scientific paper that uses any form of the scientific method to test this idea over and over.  If it is true then it is always true. There are no such things as "sort of truths".

We have in actual evidence many hundreds of thousands of creatures that have never evolved, and yet you see evolution and think that evolutionary pressure is real. If it was real, then why are there 50 million year old fossils that look the same. Why are there 125 million year old mosquitoes that have the same genetic make up as the "latest versions".
ALL of these slogan words are like mantras that were embedded in your brain in the indoctrination you got in school.  You were too weak then to check out anything they taught you as being real, and so you made your declaration of belief and got accepted to the cult.

As soon as you declare belief, you are no longer a scientist.

Then you come on here not expecting to meet someone who has no religion and hates all religious nonsense in science.  So, you are not prepared to learn, but only prepaid to spread your delusional beleifs.

You are a weak person.  You have no courage of your convictions and you are not humble at all.  You are not teachable and that makes you worthless to all and all that you do will be polluted with this garbage and full of errors.
Remember this when it doesn't work out for you!

If you want to do something of value, get out of that tiny box of HEMG out of your mind, that is so emotionally important to you and extremely mentally weakening and  confining. Evolution is not real! Creatures adapt then go extinct when their genus can no longer be supported by the environment. That is all we know.

You are identical in nature to those members of the Jim Jones cult.  You will take any "kool aid" poison they feed you, because you are gullible and needy. You are not able to think for yourself, because you are controlled by ego and fear. The fear that everything you have been saying is nonsense, is a driving force in you.

Well here is the truth; most all of what you have said is garbage beliefs, and you just proved it, because you can't back up anything you say about your human emotional mental garbage religion of Evolution.
You can consider that you have shown all the readers what arrogance and unreasonableness, Evodelusionist have, and what manipulative fools they are.
And what cowards they are. You are totally fearful of me and anyone who tells you the truth about your beliefs.

I should have warned you that I know far more about your Evolution religion than you do.  I am the world's expert on it.
I know exactly how you have been indoctrinated, and how to get you free, but you have to be willing to get outside that tiny confining nonsense box of belief.

I really from the bottom of my heart hope that you can get free from this poison in your mind. ;)

Title: Re: So I watched a video..
Post by GoodScienceForYou on Nov 25th, 2009 at 4:42pm

Title: Re: So I watched a video..
Post by GoodScienceForYou on Nov 25th, 2009 at 4:55pm
"October, 1999; 250-million-year-old bacteria were found in ancient sea salt beneath Carlsbad, New Mexico. The microscopic organisms were revived in a laboratory after being in 'suspended animation', encased in a hard-shelled spore, for an estimated 250 million years. The species has not been identified, but is referred to as strain 2-9-3, or B. permians."

Funny that bacteria over 250 million years old was still bacteria.
How does this show evolution?

This is why it is called the religion of Evodelusionism.

Title: Re: So I watched a video..
Post by GoodScienceForYou on Nov 25th, 2009 at 4:58pm
"May, 1995; 40-million-year-old bacteria (Bacillus sphaericus) were found in the stomach of a bee encased in amber. These bacteria were also found in a state of suspended animation and were re-animated in a laboratory."

Another bacteria that did not evolve.

I thought that according to the "Theory (fantasy) of Evodelusionism"  that it only takes a couple million years to evolve.

Oh but there has to be the mantra of "evolutionary pressure" to make it evolve.  How much pressure do you think there is in ficking 40  million years?

These delusional nut jobs have taken over academia. No wonder we have so many students who can't wipe their arses, much less figure out simple math nor can they write proper sentences.
Read some of the 'thesis' on line for PHD's. I think the professors are afraid that they might get sued if they don't pass these idiots. It is politically incorrect to even test these fools.

Title: Re: Nylon Eating Bacteria So I watched a video
Post by GoodScienceForYou on Dec 8th, 2009 at 3:48pm
Have you found that "synthetic" carbon yet?

Title: Re: Nylon Eating Bacteria So I watched a video
Post by GoodScienceForYou on Dec 9th, 2009 at 1:18pm
I went to go and ban him and he was already gone.

Title: Re: Nylon Eating Bacteria So I watched a video
Post by GoodScienceForYou on Dec 10th, 2009 at 11:27am

oh_noes wrote on Dec 9th, 2009 at 3:08pm:
I would never have revealed my previous accounts if you hadn't lied about banning me. I would never have created second accounts if you hadn't banned me unjustly.

You IP banned two accounts of mine and yet claim never to have banned a member. I contend that you have banned every other member that shows as "ex-member".

I have never exhibited troll like behaviour. I have simply presented the science as it is. I am perfectly happy to concede deceit in the creation of what could be termed sock puppet accounts, but if you read the posts I made with these accounts you will note that I posted nothing but factual information or honest critique.

If you will honestly and openly accept that you have indeed banned people in the past I will leave this forum and never bother you again.

An apology would suffice.  Pretending to be someone you are not in order to play games is unethical.  It really is a bad reflection on you.  You do not have to be clever or any of your games with me.  I am here to teach you, if you really want to learn.  Most of the time people are brainwashed out of logic and reason, and they think they are the "smart" ones.  I see that as a sad condition.

Life is much better without all the magical bovine garbage of religious beliefs having no basis in reality.  Really.
Science runs on precise laws, not on magic and mysticism.

There are a lot of "trappings" in academia and a lot of bovine garbage there as well.  You have faith in stupid humans above and beyond your natural abilities to have objective reason. That is sad.  Didn't anyone ever tell you to seek your own truth?

"The only thing that interferes with my learning is my education." Albert Einstein

Did you think that does not pertain to you.  If you only seek knowledge from one source, academia, then you are weak and not a scientist. Any club that tells you they are the only truth in the matter is a cult.

My father taught me to see these delusions, by testing them myself.  He told me to never believe anyone, no matter who they are.  I don't think you have had that advantage.

He also pretty much hated religion, because of the abuse he had as a child from his religious fanatic father, my grandfather.

I don't hate religions, I just avoid them, because they all have agendas and there are no agendas in the Truth.  If the people in a religion are really nice and live up to the teachings, then I am prone to say it is good for people. Evodelusionists focus on the negative religions that make waring factions and such.

When a religion causes hate and factions as Evodelusionism and Extremists, do, the it is not a good religion.  The first thing you need to do is to realize that Evodelusion is a religion because it certainly is not science.

The scientific community teaches you out of objective thoughts.  They teach you to believe in things that have no science in them at all. They teach you to think that having faith in some dumb ass theory is the highest form of truth.
This is the same crap they have done for centuries to impose religious beliefs in science.  It is no different now.

Are you really that gullible?  It is very hard to realize you have been mislead, by authority that you trust.  But you have.

You seeking to find fault in me is normal.  Believe me I am far from perfect.  Your actions make me angry, because I abhor what you did.  It shows weakness and inability to just be real with me.

Title: Re: Nylon Eating Bacteria So I watched a video
Post by oh_noes on Dec 10th, 2009 at 11:37am
Unethical? Howso? My creation of the inglorious account was to enable you to get beyond your pomp and arrogance and actually tell us what you believe. I created it in order to help you express your true thoughts. It got me nowhere, you couldn't get passed the evodelusionists speeches.

You can't teach me anything. You know nothing of evolution, you know nothing of science, every post you make is systematically picked apart by myself and others, shown to be at odds with the literature. You erect straw men to attack over and over. I don't need to assert this, I can quote it and demonstrate it.

You lied about not banning members, just as you have lied about reading 200,000 papers. I do not know if you are lying or ignorant about terminology, in particular with reference to mutation and random. Certainly with mutation I have posted numerous articles from 30 years before you claimed to start studying genetics to show that what you say is not true. That may be a lie, it may be ignorance. I don't know.

So at this juncture you have three choices.

1. You can ban me
2. You can admit that you lied about never having banned anyone. If you admit that you banned not only Squawk and Inglorious (IP bans on both) but also the other members on the boards who now show as ex members, I will leave and never post again via this or any other account. All I require is an admission that you lied, and I'm gone.
3. You can choose neither of the above, and I will continue to expose each and every fallacy that you post on the boards. No pomp, no references to delusion, just a simple demonstration with citations of lies and deceit that you tout as truth.

I mean for gods sake, you can't even post and critique an article from the scientific literature. You claim to be a scientist, but can't show me a single publication.

Title: Re: Nylon Eating Bacteria So I watched a video
Post by GoodScienceForYou on Dec 10th, 2009 at 11:55am

oh_noes wrote on Dec 10th, 2009 at 11:37am:
Unethical? Howso? My creation of the inglorious account was to enable you to get beyond your pomp and arrogance and actually tell us what you believe. I created it in order to help you express your true thoughts. It got me nowhere, you couldn't get passed the evodelusionists speeches.

You can't teach me anything. You know nothing of evolution, you know nothing of science, every post you make is systematically picked apart by myself and others, shown to be at odds with the literature. You erect straw men to attack over and over. I don't need to assert this, I can quote it and demonstrate it.

You lied about not banning members, just as you have lied about reading 200,000 papers. I do not know if you are lying or ignorant about terminology, in particular with reference to mutation and random. Certainly with mutation I have posted numerous articles from 30 years before you claimed to start studying genetics to show that what you say is not true. That may be a lie, it may be ignorance. I don't know.

So at this juncture you have three choices.

1. You can ban me
2. You can admit that you lied about never having banned anyone. If you admit that you banned not only Squawk and Inglorious (IP bans on both) but also the other members on the boards who now show as ex members, I will leave and never post again via this or any other account. All I require is an admission that you lied, and I'm gone.
3. You can choose neither of the above, and I will continue to expose each and every fallacy that you post on the boards. No pomp, no references to delusion, just a simple demonstration with citations of lies and deceit that you tout as truth.

I mean for gods sake, you can't even post and critique an article from the scientific literature. You claim to be a scientist, but can't show me a single publication.

Your position makes you a loser, closed minded and lost in a pile of crap beliefs.  If your religion is that important to you, then keep it and see how much joy and love it causes you in life. That is the test of any religion.  If it doesn't work, a smart person would get out of that cult.
If you only seek to learn from the people in the cult, then you are forever "owned" by them.
If all you can do is repeat, like a frigging  parrot these messed up beliefs, then you are not a free thinker.  You are like the fleas in the jar.  After awhile even when the lid is take off, they still only jump as high as the lid.  That is what I think of your position. Closed minded and fooled into the idea that the scientific community of weak and feeble minded humans are your god. I could never put myself in a position of following dumb humans.

That has to be a horrible existence.  But people live in squaller all the time and think it is good.

If you actually read anything I have written, you would start on the learning process of unlearning the bovine garbage they fed you that has no basis in science at all.

Now crawl back into your little jar, and leave if you can't apologize for your deceptive bovine garbage.

Title: Re: Nylon Eating Bacteria So I watched a video
Post by GoodScienceForYou on Dec 12th, 2009 at 12:42am
You are your own worst enemy. 

You justify your actions because of belief.  It is a bad belief if it makes you into a troll.

I strongly suggest that you read all the postings on here. It is an interesting thing that not one of you have the balls to bring up your evidence for my review?  HUMMM? 

What exactly are you afraid of.  Are you afraid of the truth?
Are you afraid that you might stop believing in bovine garbage? Your precious garbage that you take out of the garbage can and  adore it for a while, then put it back in the garbage can and keep recycling all of the garbage over and worshipping it as you precious BS; belief system?

Give it a try.  If what you say is real, I will verify it for you.  If what you say has no proof, I will explain why.

Title: Re: Nylon Eating Bacteria So I watched a video
Post by oh_noes on Dec 12th, 2009 at 7:39am
Err, I have presented at least 4 or 5 papers on this board, thus far you have not reviewed any of them. All you do is go "nonsense, this is not absolute evidence", then claim to have refuted something.

All you have done is deny, not refute. That's all you ever do, because you are not capable of understanding any of the papers presented.

I will post more papers once you address those already linked to. Actually, I will upload more once you concede that you were factually incorrect in your dating video, and completely wrong in your assertins about copper.

Or I will leave the boards when you admit to lying.

Title: Re: Nylon Eating Bacteria So I watched a video
Post by GoodScienceForYou on Dec 12th, 2009 at 10:42am

oh_noes wrote on Dec 12th, 2009 at 7:39am:
Err, I have presented at least 4 or 5 papers on this board, thus far you have not reviewed any of them. All you do is go "nonsense, this is not absolute evidence", then claim to have refuted something.

All you have done is deny, not refute. That's all you ever do, because you are not capable of understanding any of the papers presented.

I will post more papers once you address those already linked to. Actually, I will upload more once you concede that you were factually incorrect in your dating video, and completely wrong in your assertins about copper.

Or I will leave the boards when you admit to lying.

You need to bring the premises on here, and discuss it like a man!  See, all you do is sidestep the issues. You are afraid of me.  You are afraid of someone who knows your subject better than you do, and knows it is full of huge holes and crap beliefs with no evidence to back it.

You are a coward, your actions prove you are a coward and this puts the nail in your "intellectual" coffin.  Basically my theory is that Evodelusionists are brain dead. They only parrot other peoples' human emotional mental garbage and do not have the ability to think for themselves.
With you being afraid to discuss this on your own, only proves it.  If you can't think for yourself, you use other people's bovine garbage to do it for you.

They all sound like robots. The indoctrination, brainwashing, worked well on them.
So, far all of you have proven that theory.
Closed minded, believe in things that are not even science, cowards; afraid to face the fact that their pet religious beliefs are crap, and will sneak around and be deceptive as you do.
You need to examine anything (self inquiry) that would make you into a troll?  Examine why you are so closed minded and only seek out to perpetuate your beliefs, by reading the cult books.

You should examine anything that would set you apart for humanity and cause you to hate other people for their beliefs, when your beliefs are just as crappity smacked up as theirs.

From my perspective, humans like you are weak,  ignorant, lazy and afraid. (This is called tough love. People who really love you tell you the truth.)

Lazy; If you only get your information from the people who indoctrinate you, then you are a fraud as a scientist.

If you lay down for every 'mystical" authority like a weak small dog, then you are worthless to yourself.

Weak; If you are afraid to find the truth, then you are worthless to yourself and you live in a fantasy lie, and you perpetuate that lie in order to keep yourself from the truth.

Ignorant;  The word ignore means that you don't look at anything you don't want to see.  You know it is there, but refuse to look at it.  This is because of your fears of losing some precious belief and your ego declaration of allegiance to the cult.  Once you declare you believe you screwed yourself.  That belief is keeping you stupid.  You like being owned by weak humans like Dawkins.  You are his weak pet, disciple of this high priest of bovine garbage.  You worship weak suck humans, who can only take you as far as there delusions allow. They can only take you into their own delusions.

Humans are notoriously, obviously, apparently, and absolutely flawed, and you put your faith and belief in them. How stupid is that?

Don't you have a brain? Don't you want the truth? Aren't you tired of this stupid religion that takes you into deeper ignorance.

Here is a photo of a typical Evodelusionist.

head_up_your_ass2_001.jpg (42 KB | 498 )

Title: Re: Nylon Eating Bacteria So I watched a video
Post by GoodScienceForYou on Dec 20th, 2009 at 1:36am

What do you think of this list?  Seems pretty impressive that scientists are waking up from this nonsense.

Title: Re: Nylon Eating Bacteria So I watched a video
Post by oh_noes on Dec 20th, 2009 at 6:55am

I new you were a fundie.

Ever heard of project Steve?

Once again, real scientists are laughing at you.

Title: Re: Nylon Eating Bacteria So I watched a video
Post by GoodScienceForYou on Dec 20th, 2009 at 1:39pm

oh_noes wrote on Dec 20th, 2009 at 6:55am:

I new you were a fundie.

Ever heard of project Steve?

Once again, real scientists are laughing at you.

I am really working hard for you to help you get free and become a real scientist. I really think you are here because of your doubts and you want to test me and you work so hard to try and see my "agenda", when I have no agenda except to seek the Truth, without the HEMG.

Listen carefully:  "If you are concerned with other's opinions, you will never find the truth."  Basically you give them full power over your mind. Why would you do that and give your life over to them?

"Opinions are like weak humans. Everybody has them and nothing but crap comes from them."

If you are so concerned about belonging to this club of "scientists" then they own you.  You have no free will, but are just "fodder" and a spokesperson  for the cult.

"Whatever a man uses in war against their enemies, is what controls them."  People try to control me, destroy me with the fears that control them. When you give up "fear consciousness" nothing can control you.

If you did not think that these "scientists" HEMG opinions were important, have power over you, and that one should be controlled by them, you would not use that bovine garbage on me as a "weapon". 

It shows you know nothing about yourself and how you project your fears and weaknesses on me.

It is a weakness to be controlled by "peer" pressure, or any fear of humiliation, and all the crap that punk egos are controlled by. I am 61 years old, and have dealt with unknown numbers of humans and mostly male dumb ass egos in work and daily life.

I have also met extremely loving and kind people and that is my goal, to be like them.  Unconditional love is far superior to ego, pride, hate, and all that makes a man stupid.

There are no "real scientists" who believe in evolution.  Evolution destroys them as scientists (absolutely no credibility), because there is nothing to back up the belief.  Belief destroys all credibility.  Anyone who goes with totally not proven concepts and keeps a fantasy projected on evidence is not a scientist by any stretch of the imagination.  They are weak non thinking fakers and lost in BS.

I keep asking to you prove evolution to me, and you can't because all you have is friggin opinions from indoctrinated believers in this crap all over "science". This destroys them as scientists.
All of these "scientific papers" you present is nothing but belief and opinions base on a pre belief and that is all.

The layers of ignorance is obvious to me.  But basically they are easy marks for society to brainwash, because they are taught out of logic and reason, and replace it with a trance like deep hypnotism into this dumb ass belief system (BS).  Ever notice how "bovine garbage" and "belief system" are related by "BS" .

At the beginning, middle and end of every pseudo science paper from academia I have read is just opinions based on this brainwashing, with no substance. There is nothing in what they say is evidence that isn't just ONLY more proof of genetic stability and only minor adaptations of creatures to survive as the same creatures; nothing more, nothing less. That's all we know from observation, and the fossil record, DNA, all of genetics and every piece of evidence.

Can you show anything else?  If you can't then, it is clear that Evdelusionism is just another mythological religion.

I have already commented on the ID movement as being a wrong way to go for science.  Truth = God. 
Religion <=> God   If it did there would be peace on earth, right now and nothing to argue about.  Humans have an innate need to hate all differences they create from nothing like, race, nationalism, religious factions, and  even science is a tool of hate,  as far as I can tell.  Just look how much you hate creationists!  It is so obvious.

Any belief driven "science" is not going to work for me.  However, when you get to the end of this, and you look at things objectively, you start to see a pattern in the evidence of deeper causes.

Everybody is afraid of the truth in life, so they project nonsense on evidence and make conjecture all day long, if they could in order to protect their precious garbage beliefs.

The people who are guilty of all sorts of lies, greed, ego, sexual compulsions, so much so,that they want to justify religious hate, seem to like your religion, because it allows them to "screw" everybody and actually think they can get away with it.  I find a lot of these types of people who are forum "nazis" and trolls. What type of person are you? Seeker of the truth or a justifier of "screwing" others with ego BS.

Humans lives are based on beliefs and most of them are delusions passed down or given to them by relatives, culture, and peers and innate sexual compulsions.  Relatives, culture (society) , peers are the enemy of truth, because they want you to conform to their HEMG beliefs.

However, the ID people seem more rational than the Evodelusionists, because they are at least looking at the evidence from a different perspective and you are not. They all understand your perspective, and you don't understand theirs.  All of them on the list, took the same classes you did.

So, I find the Evodelusionists to be really stupid, weak minded and easy to indoctrinate.  The most pathetic, hateful, and low IQ people I have met on the internet are Evodelusionists, who are driven to protect their HEMG beliefs, for no reason other than their stupid, immature, egos. They wear blinders, as you do.

The worst people are the fearful, greedy, and so weak that they must have power and false respect at all costs. They will do anything for money, power, sex, and all that drives them. There are many levels of this crap as well.

You think that because these PHD's dazzle you with, academia authority, smiling confidence, complicated, fake "random"  DNA evidence and fake fossil (not testable) BS they have the truth? If you look at their past you will see they are weak and stupid, controlled by money, social pressures and a need to conform, because they are so fearful.

You have to be brainwashed to believe that flatulence, hot smelly air. They are stupid and they stunt science with belief in fairy tales. 

There religion VS your religion is nonsense, because the belief is the driving force, not science.

In the "Neutral Zone" is objective observation, that comes from getting away from all beliefs and just looking at the evidence, knowing that humans have always been full of crap beliefs.

Being, indoctrinated and brainwashed into this belief with no evidence, makes people not able to see what is right in front of their noses.

I asked you to comment on the list of scientists who think "neo Darwinism" doesn't work.  I find it interesting that you never take a look at yourself, and that is sad. 

There are others who have gotten free of this delusional bovine garbage.   Why don't you wake up?  What do you have to lose if you do an independent study of this as I have and get free of delusional fools.  Do you like being in this club of "intellectuals" (morons), or does it give you "warm fuzzies" when you think about your god, Darwin? I am not kidding.  I want to know what you get out of something so ridiculous and absurd? What does this nonsense do for you?

Please tell me what do you get out of this nonsense?  You like being on one side of hate, so you have something to hate, and put you anger on?  You seem to justify ethically challenged behavior in the name of your fake "science".

I would question anything that makes you lie and justify your behavior in the name of your religion. This is no different than any religion.

When I was in India, with my teacher, he said if you want the truth, you have to stop lying to yourself and to others. Never utter a lie.  Work on tiny lies first, and you will eventually get rid of all the big lies you believe. You have to recognize what makes you lie and go after that as your enemy = the enemy of Truth.

When people start to justify lying, they have internal turmoil and are not happy.  If you are a sociopath that is another story, because then you have no conscience.

I think you are definitely not a happy person, no joy or humor in your beliefs.   

I like that word "conscience" because it has "science" in it. Without a conscience you can't pursue the truth in science, because hate and fear, rules you.  Without any awareness of reality, you are basically a walking zombie.  Asleep and just waiting to die. I wrote a song that is going to be well known, called "Walking Dead Man".

Here are some quotes. 

A dog is not considered a good dog because he is a good barker. A man is not considered a good man because he is a good talker.

A jug fills drop by drop.

All that we are is the result of what we have thought. If a man speaks or acts with an evil thought, pain follows him. If a man speaks or acts with a pure thought, happiness follows him, like a shadow that never leaves him.

All things appear and disappear because of the concurrence of causes and conditions. Nothing ever exists entirely alone; everything is in relation to everything else.

All wrong-doing arises because of mind. If mind is transformed can wrong-doing remain?

Ambition is like love, impatient both of delays and rivals.

An idea that is developed and put into action is more important than an idea that exists only as an idea.

An insincere and evil friend is more to be feared than a wild beast; a wild beast may wound your body, but an evil friend will wound your mind.

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense. Buddha

Title: Re: Nylon Eating Bacteria So I watched a video
Post by oh_noes on Dec 20th, 2009 at 1:50pm

Listen carefully:  "If you are concerned with other's opinions, you will never find the truth."

So why did you link to a list of scientists who share you own religious affliction?

Title: Re: Nylon Eating Bacteria So I watched a video
Post by glowingape on Dec 20th, 2009 at 2:17pm

GoodScienceForYou wrote on Dec 20th, 2009 at 1:39pm:
I am really working hard for you to help you get free and become a real scientist.

Making that statement would actually indicate, that you've ever said anything about science. All we ever hear is "You're an idiot, blah blah, blah, blah, you're retard, blah, blah blah, blah, HEMG, blah, blah, blah, blah, You believe in this garbage?, blah blah blah blah"

I really think you are here because of your doubts

You also think, that humans had sex with gorillas and Earth being 6000 years old. Which means, that your "I think" is worthless.

and you want to test me and you work so hard to try and see my "agenda", when I have no agenda except to seek the Truth, without the HEMG.

Your "I have no agenda" put up a forum to tell how every single scientist, that deals with biology (even people with much higher IQ than 180, or whatever you claim to have) is incredibly stupid and they don't know, what they're doing. Also your "I have no agenda" doesn't allow any comments, that are aimed against you, even if they tell the naked truth. Not to mention that your "I have no agenda" was never consisted of anything else but "You're f**king stupid, and I'm a genius, and there's nothing you can do about it".

The rest is junk.

Title: Re: Nylon Eating Bacteria So I watched a video
Post by GoodScienceForYou on Dec 20th, 2009 at 5:12pm

glowingape wrote on Dec 20th, 2009 at 2:17pm:

GoodScienceForYou wrote on Dec 20th, 2009 at 1:39pm:
I am really working hard for you to help you get free and become a real scientist.

Making that statement would actually indicate, that you've ever said anything about science. All we ever hear is "You're an idiot, blah blah, blah, blah, you're retard, blah, blah blah, blah, HEMG, blah, blah, blah, blah, You believe in this garbage?, blah blah blah blah"

I really think you are here because of your doubts

You also think, that humans had sex with gorillas and Earth being 6000 years old. Which means, that your "I think" is worthless.

[quote]and you want to test me and you work so hard to try and see my "agenda", when I have no agenda except to seek the Truth, without the HEMG.

Your "I have no agenda" put up a forum to tell how every single scientist, that deals with biology (even people with much higher IQ than 180, or whatever you claim to have) is incredibly stupid and they don't know, what they're doing. Also your "I have no agenda" doesn't allow any comments, that are aimed against you, even if they tell the naked truth. Not to mention that your "I have no agenda" was never consisted of anything else but "You're crappity smacking stupid, and I'm a genius, and there's nothing you can do about it".

The rest is junk.[/quote]

You are too far gone into your delusions.  I feel sorry for you.

If you want to be free of your delusions, be free of your delusions. The same way you attached yourself to bovine garbage, you can extract yourself.  It is your problem, not mine.

You are the fool who was taught out of logic and reason, and believes in mystical causes and magical processes that have never been shown, not once in the physical world.

The only premise I work on is don't believe dumb ass people who are fearful, liars, and want to perpetuate religious nonsense on me.  That would include you.

If you are concerned with other's opinions you will fail to find the truth.  What some other idiot believes or a million idiots believe has no bearing on the truth. 

Since the only evidence we have with the primates is ERV's, Chromosomes and DNA that only indicates interbreeding of some sort, between animals and humans.  This was a common event in ancient cultures. 

The radiometric dating is so bad that we have no idea how old anything is.  I have no belief on any dates other than what is recorded in history is approximate.

Title: Re: Nylon Eating Bacteria So I watched a video
Post by GoodScienceForYou on Dec 20th, 2009 at 7:16pm
Getting back to the topic; Have any of you found any synthetic carbon? 

Title: Re: Nylon Eating Bacteria So I watched a video
Post by glowingape on Dec 21st, 2009 at 12:33am

GoodScienceForYou wrote on Dec 20th, 2009 at 7:16pm:
Getting back to the topic; Have any of you found any synthetic carbon? 

Eh?!? What does this have to do with this topic?

Have you managed to find synthetic hydrogen?

Title: Re: Nylon Eating Bacteria So I watched a video
Post by glowingape on Dec 21st, 2009 at 12:58am

GoodScienceForYou wrote on Dec 20th, 2009 at 5:12pm:
The only premise I work on is don't believe dumb ass people who are fearful, liars, and want to perpetuate religious nonsense on me.  That would include you.

I wonder, how is it possible, that you were caught on the lie a dozen of times, while I never lied. Specially since I've never had a reason to do so... Or are you once again erecting a strawman to attack it? Because you are quite sucky with doing that...

If you are concerned with other's opinions you will fail to find the truth.  What some other idiot believes or a million idiots believe has no bearing on the truth.
Wow! The one who isn't "concerned with other's opinions", sure likes to link to creationists' sites to support your "lack of opinions" from others... Tsk, tsk, tsk. You should get yourself straight, and only THEN try to tell others what do and who to listen...
Myself; I'm perfectly happy to listen to proper scientists...

Since the only evidence we have with the primates is ERV's,
The radiometric dating is so bad that we have no idea how old anything is.  I have no belief on any dates other than what is recorded in history is approximate.

You never really bother to read, what everything writes on this forum, do you?

Title: Re: Nylon Eating Bacteria So I watched a video
Post by GoodScienceForYou on Dec 21st, 2009 at 8:52am

glowingape wrote on Dec 21st, 2009 at 12:58am:

GoodScienceForYou wrote on Dec 20th, 2009 at 5:12pm:
The only premise I work on is don't believe dumb ass people who are fearful, liars, and want to perpetuate religious nonsense on me.  That would include you.

I wonder, how is it possible, that you were caught on the lie a dozen of times, while I never lied. Specially since I've never had a reason to do so... Or are you once again erecting a strawman to attack it? Because you are quite sucky with doing that...

If you are concerned with other's opinions you will fail to find the truth.  What some other idiot believes or a million idiots believe has no bearing on the truth.
Wow! The one who isn't "concerned with other's opinions", sure likes to link to creationists' sites to support your "lack of opinions" from others... Tsk, tsk, tsk. You should get yourself straight, and only THEN try to tell others what do and who to listen...
Myself; I'm perfectly happy to listen to proper scientists...

[quote]Since the only evidence we have with the primates is ERV's,
The radiometric dating is so bad that we have no idea how old anything is.  I have no belief on any dates other than what is recorded in history is approximate.

You never really bother to read, what everything writes on this forum, do you?[/quote]

The recorded history is all you idiots have for reference. Without it there is no carbon dating.

A science based on slogans is not science. 
A science not based on using the scientific method is not science.
A science that has no real evidence is a religion.
A science that debases the established sciences by avoiding the existing laws of science is not science.
A science that has only partial truths destroys the clarity of the partial truths, by religious beliefs.
A science that pollutes established definitions of scientific terms to match a belief is just garbage.
A science that forces belief on evidence and never looks at any other plausibilities is not science.
A science that modifies evidence to match the belief is not science.
A science that fills in huge gaps in the evidence with belief is not science.
A science that uses magical processes and mystical creatures that have never been shown to exist is not science.

There is no need to fill in the blanks on things you know nothing about by using beliefs. This is a human weakness.

Instead of pushing this nonsense of genetic instability and random nonsense. Why not use what is real, what you can test and forget the crap of evodelusionism?

Genetics used to be a real science, until this crap has polluted it with garbage beliefs and no evidence to back it.

If you actually think and believe this.

1/ The entire world full of creatures and plant life, came from tiny single cell organisms that started all by themselves.
2/ These tiny single cell "creatures" started growing and by some random events, became extremely complicated, and became the cells and genetic structures of marine life.
3/ Marine life, fish, decided to get out of the water and walk on land, for no apparent reason, grew four legs, lungs, and a totally new digestive system to eat food on land that they never ate before.
4/ Eventually these fish became reptiles.
5/ These reptiles became mammals and birds.
6/ Over some immense time all the creatures "evolved" including the amazingly complex humans.
7/ Bacteria evolves into new creatures.
8/ This belief proves beyond all doubts that there is not God a proves that all religions are wrong, except for your religion of Evodelusionism.

I know for a fact that 1 through 8 is utter nonsense with absolutely no evidence showing any of this has taken place, except in the minds of people like you.
And the only way this can happen to you is by brainwashing with "slogans" from people who believe this nonsense.
The slogans burn their way into your brain until you think it is real.  This is how all religions start out in a child.

Title: Re: Nylon Eating Bacteria So I watched a video
Post by glowingape on Dec 21st, 2009 at 9:49am

GoodScienceForYou wrote on Dec 21st, 2009 at 8:52am:

glowingape wrote on Dec 21st, 2009 at 12:58am:

GoodScienceForYou wrote on Dec 20th, 2009 at 5:12pm:
The only premise I work on is don't believe dumb ass people who are fearful, liars, and want to perpetuate religious nonsense on me.  That would include you.

I wonder, how is it possible, that you were caught on the lie a dozen of times, while I never lied. Specially since I've never had a reason to do so... Or are you once again erecting a strawman to attack it? Because you are quite sucky with doing that...

If you are concerned with other's opinions you will fail to find the truth.  What some other idiot believes or a million idiots believe has no bearing on the truth.
Wow! The one who isn't "concerned with other's opinions", sure likes to link to creationists' sites to support your "lack of opinions" from others... Tsk, tsk, tsk. You should get yourself straight, and only THEN try to tell others what do and who to listen...
Myself; I'm perfectly happy to listen to proper scientists...

[quote]Since the only evidence we have with the primates is ERV's,
The radiometric dating is so bad that we have no idea how old anything is.  I have no belief on any dates other than what is recorded in history is approximate.

You never really bother to read, what everything writes on this forum, do you?

The recorded history is all you idiots have for reference. Without it there is no carbon dating.[/quote]

What the... You wrote the same thing TWICE? Stop repeating yourself and read the answers that have already been given to you. At least 5 times.

Title: Re: Nylon Eating Bacteria So I watched a video
Post by metha on Dec 21st, 2009 at 5:07pm
Nylon eating bacteria has nothing to do with the bacteria evolving. We discover new things that we can digest too, and it doesn't mean that we just evolved to be able to digest, say, sea shells. It is an adaption in the environment. A new "food" arises and we learn to "use" it. Same thing with the bacteria. It already could digest nylon, and when nylon was introduced, it did.

Title: Re: Nylon Eating Bacteria So I watched a video
Post by GoodScienceForYou on Dec 21st, 2009 at 6:26pm

glowingape wrote on Dec 21st, 2009 at 12:58am:

GoodScienceForYou wrote on Dec 20th, 2009 at 5:12pm:
The only premise I work on is don't believe dumb ass people who are fearful, liars, and want to perpetuate religious nonsense on me.  That would include you.

I wonder, how is it possible, that you were caught on the lie a dozen of times, while I never lied. Specially since I've never had a reason to do so... Or are you once again erecting a strawman to attack it? Because you are quite sucky with doing that...

If you are concerned with other's opinions you will fail to find the truth.  What some other idiot believes or a million idiots believe has no bearing on the truth.
Wow! The one who isn't "concerned with other's opinions", sure likes to link to creationists' sites to support your "lack of opinions" from others... Tsk, tsk, tsk. You should get yourself straight, and only THEN try to tell others what do and who to listen...
Myself; I'm perfectly happy to listen to proper scientists...

[quote]Since the only evidence we have with the primates is ERV's,
The radiometric dating is so bad that we have no idea how old anything is.  I have no belief on any dates other than what is recorded in history is approximate.

You never really bother to read, what everything writes on this forum, do you?[/quote]

You cannot know if I am lying or not, because you believe in fairy tales of mytsical, magical creatures and random events which are not random. When I nail you on the fact that this is only supported by belief and opinons and you can't bring up one single factual absolute evidence to back you your dumb religion, it angers you.  You should be angry at yourself for being so gullible.

In the near future this crap will be gone from science. The same way as all mythical crap from the past was removed as new tools develop. 

I want all religious nonsense out of science. This crap religion of Evodelusionism is degrading to science.

Title: Re: Nylon Eating Bacteria So I watched a video
Post by GoodScienceForYou on Dec 21st, 2009 at 6:30pm

metha wrote on Dec 21st, 2009 at 5:07pm:
Nylon eating bacteria has nothing to do with the bacteria evolving. We discover new things that we can digest too, and it doesn't mean that we just evolved to be able to digest, say, sea shells. It is an adaption in the environment. A new "food" arises and we learn to "use" it. Same thing with the bacteria. It already could digest nylon, and when nylon was introduced, it did.

These flim flam people, are telling students this is a major "proof" of evolution.  They neglect to tell these gullible students that nylon is mostly carbon, and bacteria lives off carbon based matter.

The3y also neglect to tell them that bacteria never evolves, it adapts as needed to survive just like all creatures do.

There is no programming in creatures to evolve. They are only programmed to adapt and survive as the same creatures.

Survival is the only obvious cause in the genome.

Evolution is not part of any creature.

Title: Re: Nylon Eating Bacteria So I watched a video
Post by glowingape on Dec 22nd, 2009 at 2:20am

GoodScienceForYou wrote on Dec 21st, 2009 at 6:26pm:

glowingape wrote on Dec 21st, 2009 at 12:58am:

GoodScienceForYou wrote on Dec 20th, 2009 at 5:12pm:
The only premise I work on is don't believe dumb ass people who are fearful, liars, and want to perpetuate religious nonsense on me.  That would include you.

I wonder, how is it possible, that you were caught on the lie a dozen of times, while I never lied. Specially since I've never had a reason to do so... Or are you once again erecting a strawman to attack it? Because you are quite sucky with doing that...

If you are concerned with other's opinions you will fail to find the truth.  What some other idiot believes or a million idiots believe has no bearing on the truth.
Wow! The one who isn't "concerned with other's opinions", sure likes to link to creationists' sites to support your "lack of opinions" from others... Tsk, tsk, tsk. You should get yourself straight, and only THEN try to tell others what do and who to listen...
Myself; I'm perfectly happy to listen to proper scientists...

[quote]Since the only evidence we have with the primates is ERV's,
The radiometric dating is so bad that we have no idea how old anything is.  I have no belief on any dates other than what is recorded in history is approximate.

You never really bother to read, what everything writes on this forum, do you?

You cannot know if I am lying or not
We all caught you on spewing lies in various proportions. As me regarding your "I don't believe in God", as well as oh_noes, squawk, prolescum and many people called your nonsense on youtube as well. You say, that you cannot know if you're lying or not, that's a lie, too.

Title: Re: Nylon Eating Bacteria So I watched a video
Post by oh_noes on Dec 22nd, 2009 at 3:30am

GoodScienceForYou wrote on Dec 21st, 2009 at 6:30pm:

metha wrote on Dec 21st, 2009 at 5:07pm:
Nylon eating bacteria has nothing to do with the bacteria evolving. We discover new things that we can digest too, and it doesn't mean that we just evolved to be able to digest, say, sea shells. It is an adaption in the environment. A new "food" arises and we learn to "use" it. Same thing with the bacteria. It already could digest nylon, and when nylon was introduced, it did.

These flim flam people, are telling students this is a major "proof" of evolution.  They neglect to tell these gullible students that nylon is mostly carbon, and bacteria lives off carbon based matter.

The3y also neglect to tell them that bacteria never evolves, it adapts as needed to survive just like all creatures do.

There is no programming in creatures to evolve. They are only programmed to adapt and survive as the same creatures.

Survival is the only obvious cause in the genome.

Evolution is not part of any creature.

Diamond is 100% carbon. You have any bacteria to show us that eat diamond?

Title: Re: Nylon Eating Bacteria So I watched a video
Post by GoodScienceForYou on Dec 22nd, 2009 at 9:07am

oh_noes wrote on Dec 22nd, 2009 at 3:30am:

GoodScienceForYou wrote on Dec 21st, 2009 at 6:30pm:

metha wrote on Dec 21st, 2009 at 5:07pm:
Nylon eating bacteria has nothing to do with the bacteria evolving. We discover new things that we can digest too, and it doesn't mean that we just evolved to be able to digest, say, sea shells. It is an adaption in the environment. A new "food" arises and we learn to "use" it. Same thing with the bacteria. It already could digest nylon, and when nylon was introduced, it did.

These flim flam people, are telling students this is a major "proof" of evolution.  They neglect to tell these gullible students that nylon is mostly carbon, and bacteria lives off carbon based matter.

The3y also neglect to tell them that bacteria never evolves, it adapts as needed to survive just like all creatures do.

There is no programming in creatures to evolve. They are only programmed to adapt and survive as the same creatures.

Survival is the only obvious cause in the genome.

Evolution is not part of any creature.

Diamond is 100% carbon. You have any bacteria to show us that eat diamond?

OH! Boy!  I'll bet you creamed your pants on that one.

Diamond are no longer carbon, they are diamonds.  Moron!

You know; if you were to go back over all the crap they fed you in science classes on this garbage religion and actually test what they taught you, you would realize it is nothing but dumb ass opinions and nothing else. There is no physical evidence to back up anything they teach on this crap that creatures "transform" into new species and new genus. They teach magical bovine garbage and you are so gullible and weak minded that you just laid down for this garbage and let them brainwash you.   

Why did you let them mess with your mind like that?

Title: Re: Nylon Eating Bacteria So I watched a video
Post by glowingape on Dec 22nd, 2009 at 9:20am

GoodScienceForYou wrote on Dec 22nd, 2009 at 9:07am:
OH! Boy!  I'll bet you creamed your pants on that one.

Diamond are no longer carbon, they are diamonds.  Moron!
What? Am I seeing things or did you just typed "Diamond are no longer carbon, they are diamonds"? If you did, then one simple question: At which point carbon stopped being carbon and started being a completely new chemical element?

Title: Re: Nylon Eating Bacteria So I watched a video
Post by oh_noes on Dec 22nd, 2009 at 9:22am
Lol. Could you tell me when a diamond stopped being carbon please?
And then could you tell me why that doesn't apply to Nylon?

Title: Re: Nylon Eating Bacteria So I watched a video
Post by oh_noes on Dec 22nd, 2009 at 9:36am

OH! Boy!  I'll bet you creamed your pants on that one.

No, but I did burst out laughing when I read what you posted.

Title: Re: Nylon Eating Bacteria So I watched a video
Post by glowingape on Dec 22nd, 2009 at 9:37am

oh_noes wrote on Dec 22nd, 2009 at 9:36am:

OH! Boy!  I'll bet you creamed your pants on that one.

No, but I did burst out laughing when I read what you posted.
I think, that that's understatement ;D

Title: Re: Nylon Eating Bacteria So I watched a video
Post by GoodScienceForYou on Dec 22nd, 2009 at 10:28am
Do either of you know what a diamond is?

Title: Re: Nylon Eating Bacteria So I watched a video
Post by oh_noes on Dec 22nd, 2009 at 10:40am
Carbon atoms arrnaged in a particular pattern.

Title: Re: Nylon Eating Bacteria So I watched a video
Post by prolescum on Dec 22nd, 2009 at 11:40am

GoodScienceForYou wrote on Dec 22nd, 2009 at 10:28am:
Do either of you know what a diamond is?


Title: Re: Nylon Eating Bacteria So I watched a video
Post by glowingape on Dec 22nd, 2009 at 11:54am

GoodScienceForYou wrote on Dec 22nd, 2009 at 10:28am:
Do either of you know what a diamond is?

It's a carbon, with it's covalent bonds combined in a special crystalline matrix.

Picture attached.
800px-Diamond_and_graphite2.jpg (20 KB | 365 )

Title: Re: Nylon Eating Bacteria So I watched a video
Post by GoodScienceForYou on Dec 23rd, 2009 at 12:11am
So, are we all agreed that diamond are not digestible by any creature we know of?

Title: Re: Nylon Eating Bacteria So I watched a video
Post by glowingape on Dec 23rd, 2009 at 2:13am

GoodScienceForYou wrote on Dec 23rd, 2009 at 12:11am:
So, are we all agreed that diamond are not digestible by any creature we know of?
WE agreed. However, your own video states

2) Bacteria adapts to eat ANY carbon-based material if it needs to

Soooo... Are you trying to tell us something other than that, that you've failed yet again?

And what's this "synthetic carbon" you talk about?

Title: Re: Nylon Eating Bacteria So I watched a video
Post by oh_noes on Dec 23rd, 2009 at 4:35am
Since you clearly missed the point

"These flim flam people, are telling students this is a major "proof" of evolution.  They neglect to tell these gullible students that nylon is mostly carbon, and bacteria lives off carbon based matter."

You said that, the implication being that bacteria can eat carbon.

I asked if you knew of any bacteria that can eat diamon, and you laughed it off,  because, and I love this

"Diamond are no longer carbon, they are diamonds.  Moron!"

So, tell me again, which of us is the moron?

Forget the digestion thing, I don't much care about that anymore, because you statement about diamonds not being carbon anymore has taken things to a whole new level. 180 IQ? I think you missed a decimal point.

Title: Re: Nylon Eating Bacteria So I watched a video
Post by glowingape on Dec 23rd, 2009 at 6:22am

oh_noes wrote on Dec 23rd, 2009 at 4:35am:
"Diamond are no longer carbon, they are diamonds.  Moron!"

So, tell me again, which of us is the moron?

oh_noes has a point. It's not about nylon anymore. You just proven, that you're completely clueless what are you talking about... Chemistry? What's that? I mean -- I wouldn't say, if that was a PhD-level chemistry, but you learn that kind of stuff in PRIMARY school.

I wonder, how you can tell anyone about the "Awawawaw; Them evolution -- Is WRONG, and ah can proofinated eet." Is there ANY science that you have actually a clue about? I mean -- Not that you SAY you have a clue about it, but you actually PROVE that you have some clue. And if you're going to talk about "I deal with proper science; Like physics and math", and you've proven, that you're completely clueless about quantum physics.

We're still all waiting eagerly, when your "Extreme IQ" will kick in.

Title: Re: Nylon Eating Bacteria So I watched a video
Post by GoodScienceForYou on Dec 23rd, 2009 at 9:39pm

glowingape wrote on Dec 23rd, 2009 at 6:22am:

oh_noes wrote on Dec 23rd, 2009 at 4:35am:
"Diamond are no longer carbon, they are diamonds.  Moron!"

So, tell me again, which of us is the moron?

oh_noes has a point. It's not about nylon anymore. You just proven, that you're completely clueless what are you talking about... Chemistry? What's that? I mean -- I wouldn't say, if that was a PhD-level chemistry, but you learn that kind of stuff in PRIMARY school.

I wonder, how you can tell anyone about the "Awawawaw; Them evolution -- Is WRONG, and ah can proofinated eet." Is there ANY science that you have actually a clue about? I mean -- Not that you SAY you have a clue about it, but you actually PROVE that you have some clue. And if you're going to talk about "I deal with proper science; Like physics and math", and you've proven, that you're completely clueless about quantum physics.

We're still all waiting eagerly, when your "Extreme IQ" will kick in.

Let's see you believe in magical mystical causes.

Once carbon is compressed into the point of becoming a diamond it is not edible, can't be used for fuel, and is transformed so that no creature can eat it.

Carbon in nylon is not from diamonds. 

Personally I think your Evodelusionism religion stinks like garbage.

Title: Re: Nylon Eating Bacteria So I watched a video
Post by glowingape on Dec 24th, 2009 at 3:02am

GoodScienceForYou wrote on Dec 23rd, 2009 at 9:39pm:
Let's see you believe in magical mystical causes.

Once carbon is compressed into the point of becoming a diamond it is not edible, can't be used for fuel, and is transformed so that no creature can eat it.

Carbon in nylon is not from diamonds.
I know it's not really polite to laugh at the ignorance of other, but -- Bwahahahahahahahahahahaha!


Remind me again, at which point a carbon stopped having a property of a carbon again?

Title: Re: Nylon Eating Bacteria So I watched a video
Post by oh_noes on Dec 24th, 2009 at 3:11am
Graphite then maybe? Carbon fibre? How about carbon fibre duest? Hell, some of that stuff is so weak that the sheets of molecules slide over each other and it can be used as lubricant.

Title: Re: Nylon Eating Bacteria So I watched a video
Post by glowingape on Dec 24th, 2009 at 3:21am
I'm adding nanotubes to that list, too...

Title: Re: Nylon Eating Bacteria So I watched a video
Post by GoodScienceForYou on Dec 24th, 2009 at 9:41am

glowingape wrote on Dec 24th, 2009 at 3:02am:

GoodScienceForYou wrote on Dec 23rd, 2009 at 9:39pm:
Let's see you believe in magical mystical causes.

Once carbon is compressed into the point of becoming a diamond it is not edible, can't be used for fuel, and is transformed so that no creature can eat it.

Carbon in nylon is not from diamonds.
I know it's not really polite to laugh at the ignorance of other, but -- Bwahahahahahahahahahahaha!


Remind me again, at which point a carbon stopped having a property of a carbon again?

If you don't understand the difference between nylon and diamonds, then you are a moron. But since you believe in evodelusionism, that is a foregone conclusion.
Now would you like to retract your human emotional mental garbage?
You are not teachable, because of the hypnotic brainwashing you have been victimized by.

If you are not going to get with the "deprogramming" and wake the f**k up, then we can ban you.

All you are showing the millions of readers here is just how stupid your brainwashing has made you.

This is my book that is going to be published. You are being used as an example. But you are too stupid to realize that I am absolutely correct in my evaluation of your religion.

Title: Re: Nylon Eating Bacteria So I watched a video
Post by oh_noes on Dec 24th, 2009 at 9:57am
Don't understand the difference between nylon and diamond?

How about this.

Nylon is a generic name for a particular class of synthetic (ie man made) polymers.

It is constructed from a number of different elements, one of which, pertinent to this discussion, is carbon.

Diamond consists of only one element, carbon. Molecules of diamond are simply carbon atoms arranged in a particular structure.

You say that organisms can digest nylon because they can digest carbon. I point out that diamond is pure carbon and yet no known organism can digest it.

You say that diamond is not carbon, possibly the most moronic thing I have ever heard by the way, since it is carbon and nothing but carbon.

I then point out various other substances that are pure carbon.

And your only answer, again, is dismissal. Delusion 101. Creotardism at its finest.

Title: Re: Nylon Eating Bacteria So I watched a video
Post by glowingape on Dec 24th, 2009 at 10:48am

GoodScienceForYou wrote on Dec 24th, 2009 at 9:41am:
If you don't understand the difference between nylon and diamonds, then you are a moron.

I can't help myself re-quoting this one:

[quote]Carbon in nylon is not from diamonds.
Remind me again, at which point a carbon stopped having a property of a carbon again?[/quote]So, yeah. Since I've managed to miss an answer to this question, I'll have to ask again: At which point carbon loses property of a carbon again?

If you are not going to get with the "deprogramming" and wake the f**k up, then we can ban you.
I would, but a pesky things called "reason" and "intelligence" are preventing me from believing in garbage, that a 10 year old can easily refute. You've successfully proven and re-proven, that you're completely clueless about any kind of science at all. But not just science. You've also proven, that you can't keep on topic, if someone disproves your statement and rather go with personal insults rather than answer a question asked on topic, while everyone stays on the track of it.

You've never managed to display IQ as high as you claimed to have; however -- An IQ of 18 would be far closer than the alleged "180", and you're acting nothing better than a 10 year old kid on a power trip.

You wanted us to discuss? We're still waiting for you to start the "discussion" on the topic, rather than call people "idiots", "morons" and other insults that you manage to throw at us, the intelligent people.

Altho, I wonder, how can a person with "no agenda at all" say something like
If you are not going to get with the "deprogramming" and wake the f**k up, then we can ban you.

And, speaking of being on the topic, I'm fully aware of the difference between nylon and diamond. Dou you know the difference between carbon and carbon?

Title: Re: Nylon Eating Bacteria So I watched a video
Post by GoodScienceForYou on Dec 24th, 2009 at 2:50pm
The point is you weak humans, use this nylong eating bacteria as some form of evidence. Yet you forget to mention that nylon is made from NATURAL CARBON, the only type of carbon on this planet.

Using flim flam con artist's techniques to sell your garbage religion to young victims that you create.  You violate them, just like you have been violated.  You are pretty disgusting if you support this crap.

Don't you know that people abuse according to how they have been abused, when they are asleep to the truth as you are.  All you do is perpetuate this crap on young people.  That makes you a criminal to me.  Mentally abusing children to stunt their individuality and chances to be free of delusions is a horrible thing to do.  If all you have dedicated your life to is this crap of poisoning minds with fantasy, then you are disgusting. 

Title: Re: Nylon Eating Bacteria So I watched a video
Post by oh_noes on Dec 24th, 2009 at 3:09pm
natural carbon? You mean like, err, diamond?

Title: Re: Nylon Eating Bacteria So I watched a video
Post by GoodScienceForYou on Dec 24th, 2009 at 3:49pm

oh_noes wrote on Dec 24th, 2009 at 3:09pm:
natural carbon? You mean like, err, diamond?

Where is your absolute evidence for evolution?  You must not use any opinions only irrefutable absolute evidence.

Title: Re: Nylon Eating Bacteria So I watched a video
Post by oh_noes on Dec 24th, 2009 at 3:56pm
I have posted my answer to that question at least twice on these boards, so go read it or stop asking it.

Title: Re: Nylon Eating Bacteria So I watched a video
Post by prolescum on Dec 24th, 2009 at 4:02pm

GoodScienceForYou wrote on Dec 24th, 2009 at 3:49pm:

oh_noes wrote on Dec 24th, 2009 at 3:09pm:
natural carbon? You mean like, err, diamond?

Where is your absolute evidence for evolution?  You must not use any opinions only irrefutable absolute evidence.

Haha! Classic.

Title: Re: Nylon Eating Bacteria So I watched a video
Post by GoodScienceForYou on Dec 24th, 2009 at 4:27pm

oh_noes wrote on Dec 24th, 2009 at 3:56pm:
I have posted my answer to that question at least twice on these boards, so go read it or stop asking it.

No. You have not! You are a incorrect. You posted opinions, not evidence.  You are brainwashed and not capable of understanding the difference.

Title: Re: Nylon Eating Bacteria So I watched a video
Post by oh_noes on Dec 24th, 2009 at 4:32pm
What opinion? I noted that my genome has 150 base pairs different to that of my parents, and that this is true of all human offspring. The natural variation of frequency of gene varients within the population, which is a natural consequence of this, is by definition evolution.

So, it's a name given to an observation. It isn't possible to do anything more than that, evolution is the name given to a process which I can see.

Kindly point out the opinion. I observe a process, I name it.
Do you disagree that my genome is essentially a composite of my parents, with a few base pairs different? If you do then you have already accepted the definition of evolution, you just don't like to admit it to yourself :D

Title: Re: Nylon Eating Bacteria So I watched a video
Post by oh_noes on Dec 24th, 2009 at 4:33pm
by, meant agree, not disagree, and you haven't given me the ability to edit the post.

Title: Re: Nylon Eating Bacteria So I watched a video
Post by prolescum on Dec 24th, 2009 at 4:39pm

oh_noes wrote on Dec 24th, 2009 at 4:33pm:
by, meant agree, not disagree, and you haven't given me the ability to edit the post.

Yeah, that was removed for some reason. It was definitely here before.

Title: Re: Nylon Eating Bacteria So I watched a video
Post by GoodScienceForYou on Dec 24th, 2009 at 4:50pm

oh_noes wrote on Dec 24th, 2009 at 4:32pm:
What opinion? I noted that my genome has 150 base pairs different to that of my parents, and that this is true of all human offspring. The natural variation of frequency of gene varients within the population, which is a natural consequence of this, is by definition evolution.

So, it's a name given to an observation. It isn't possible to do anything more than that, evolution is the name given to a process which I can see.

Kindly point out the opinion. I observe a process, I name it.
Do you disagree that my genome is essentially a composite of my parents, with a few base pairs different? If you do then you have already accepted the definition of evolution, you just don't like to admit it to yourself :D

I pity people who are brainwashed.
You cannot prove that it is changed from any ancestor in your genealogy, therefore all you have is belief and no evidence in that concept.

You are so ignorant.

Title: Re: Nylon Eating Bacteria So I watched a video
Post by oh_noes on Dec 24th, 2009 at 4:53pm
And you will note that it is not actually necessary for me to show that any of the changes were not present in an ancestor, because that is not part of the definition.

Actually you probably wouldn't have noted that, but there you are, now I have told you.

Any further objections?

Title: Re: Nylon Eating Bacteria So I watched a video
Post by glowingape on Dec 24th, 2009 at 4:59pm

GoodScienceForYou wrote on Dec 24th, 2009 at 4:50pm:

oh_noes wrote on Dec 24th, 2009 at 4:32pm:
What opinion? I noted that my genome has 150 base pairs different to that of my parents, and that this is true of all human offspring. The natural variation of frequency of gene varients within the population, which is a natural consequence of this, is by definition evolution.

So, it's a name given to an observation. It isn't possible to do anything more than that, evolution is the name given to a process which I can see.

Kindly point out the opinion. I observe a process, I name it.
Do you disagree that my genome is essentially a composite of my parents, with a few base pairs different? If you do then you have already accepted the definition of evolution, you just don't like to admit it to yourself :D

I pity people who are brainwashed.
You cannot prove that it is changed from any ancestor in your genealogy, therefore all you have is belief and no evidence in that concept.

You are so ignorant.

GoodScienceForYou wrote on Dec 22nd, 2009 at 9:07am:
OH! Boy!  I'll bet you creamed your pants on that one.
Diamond are no longer carbon, they are diamonds.  Moron!


Title: Re: Nylon Eating Bacteria So I watched a video
Post by GoodScienceForYou on Dec 24th, 2009 at 10:29pm
Where is your absolute evidence for evolution, that is irrefutable and has no other plausibilities and has no human emotional mental garbage beliefs and opinions in it?

Title: Re: Nylon Eating Bacteria So I watched a video
Post by glowingape on Dec 25th, 2009 at 4:03am

GoodScienceForYou wrote on Dec 24th, 2009 at 10:29pm:
Where is your absolute evidence for evolution, that is irrefutable and has no other plausibilities and has no human emotional mental garbage beliefs and opinions in it?

What does this got to do with nylon? And -- Have you ever bothered to read our replies on this subject?

No, I didn't think so...

And why are you acting like a 10 year old?

Title: Re: Nylon Eating Bacteria So I watched a video
Post by Volcano Girl on Dec 25th, 2009 at 3:35pm
Well, seeing as this topic has vaguely strayed into my field for a short span i thought i might pop in a quick link.  Anyway, here is a link taking you to the wiki page about Diamonds, in particular the formation of them.  Note that diamond is one of the allotropes of carbon, so it is made of carbon atoms.

Title: Re: Nylon Eating Bacteria So I watched a video
Post by GoodScienceForYou on Dec 25th, 2009 at 3:46pm
The reality is that diamond are not digestable by anything.

Nylon is.  These flim flam religious people think that carbon is synthetic and they tell children that this is proof of evolution.

Bacteria is designed to eat any carbon based matter "that is still digestable". It does so to survive, no to evolve.

All creatures adapt in order to survive. There is no programming to evolve, that is why there is no evidence for evolution anywhere on this planet and why not one single so called "scientist" can answer my question.

There is no reason to accept evolution if you have no absolute evidence to support your beliefs.
Only a brainwashed, weak willed, person would believe such a preposterous bunch of human emotional mental garbage, mystical and magical bovine garbage.

Title: Re: Nylon Eating Bacteria So I watched a video
Post by oh_noes on Dec 25th, 2009 at 3:55pm

GoodScienceForYou wrote on Dec 25th, 2009 at 3:46pm:
The reality is that diamond are not digestable by anything.

Nylon is.  These flim flam religious people think that carbon is synthetic and they tell children that this is proof of evolution.

Bacteria is designed to eat any carbon based matter "that is still digestable". It does so to survive, no to evolve.

All creatures adapt in order to survive. There is no programming to evolve, that is why there is no evidence for evolution anywhere on this planet and why not one single so called "scientist" can answer my question.

There is no reason to accept evolution if you have no absolute evidence to support your beliefs.
Only a brainwashed, weak willed, person would believe such a preposterous bunch of human emotional mental garbage, mystical and magical bovine feculence.

Still digestible :D

And you seem to think that the reason that nylon is still digestible is that it contains carbon.

So, can you tell me any allotrope of carbon that is digestible?

Title: Re: Nylon Eating Bacteria So I watched a video
Post by GoodScienceForYou on Dec 25th, 2009 at 4:05pm
It is digestible because it is digestible.
It is absolute evidence that bacteria can digest it.
You do not understand what evidence is.

WTF happened to your intelligence?

Title: Re: Nylon Eating Bacteria So I watched a video
Post by GoodScienceForYou on Feb 7th, 2010 at 11:43pm
This is a classic example of delusional beliefs. This whole thread is good to read for your education.

Title: Re: So I watched a video..
Post by GoodScienceForYou on Feb 22nd, 2010 at 1:32pm

GoodScienceForYou wrote on Nov 25th, 2009 at 2:16pm:

wrote on Nov 25th, 2009 at 12:35pm:


The number of errors you make in this video are staggering, so I'll just talk about your problems with the nylon eating bacteria.

1. You claim nylon is made of "organic carbon" and that "synthetic carbon-based matter". First of all this statement doesn't make sense. Synthetic means something that is made, generally by people. Nylon does not occur in nature. It's synthetic. It doesn't matter where or how you get the ingredients. It is a man made material.

2. The you say "bacteria adapts to eat any carbon based material if it needs to". So are you saying the bacteria already has a gene that creates an enzyme that allows it to disassemble nylon? Or that bacteria can eat anything with carbon in the composition? They know which gene allows the bacteria to eat nylon and non-nylon eating bacteria don't have it.

Plus not all bacteria "eat carbon based" material. Some use photosynthesis for energy

3. Then you say bacteria never changes into new species, it stays bacteria. First of all "bacteria" isn't a species. There are specific individual strains of bacteria (here are some examples

I never make any errors in my statements.  You make the error of seeing with your delusional beliefs. You have not shown a single piece of evidence for evolution. you have only use the unproven "slogans" of belief that you were taught and that is not evidence.  This is just another example of this delusional religion you belong to.

I hate deception and Straw Man "bovine feculence" of you projecting "what you think you read". People use them all the time to protect their delusions on each other.
Each time you trey to deceive me I will put another nail in your HEMG belief's coffin. After awhile your ridiculous belief based, prideful and lost ego will have to surrender to reality or I will just cut you off as a lost cause and you can go on with your delusional garbage thinking until the end. 

Why would you want to remain SO ignorant?
Your ignorance almost makes me ill. It certainly makes me pity you.

1/There is no such thing as "synthetic carbon" used in nylon.  I want you to find any man made carbon in nylon! I want you to find any man made carbon on this earth.

Where does petroleum come from?  Ill bet you can't even answer that one after your last statements.
And why is it so finite in its quantity?
Could it be because it is carbon based and that can only come from carbon based living creatures?
Do you ever think at all or do you just love "slogans" of the cult of Evodelusionism?
Have you ever taken a class on chemistry?

You are telling the world that you work with gene therapy and you haven't understood chemistry?  Go look up the formula for nylon and what it is made of.

It is the fairy tale projected as best as these delusional religious believers can come up with.  It is not even a good argument. Yet you think it is.  It just shows that you are indoctrinated and you are not able to think on your own.

It is fraud to state that nylon is composed of synthetic carbon.  And if you go look at the formula, if you have ever taken a chemistry class(I doubt it), you will find it is called carbon 6 or Carbon 6.6 are the two types of nylon. Wake up from your delusion. Google it! Get yourself educated before you speak.

Bacteria are made to adapt to and  eat carbon based organic matter, and carbon is organic.  We are called "carbon based" for a reason and our bodies are filled with bacteria.  Try to educate yourself on things before you write or speak.

2/ Bacteria is designed to adapt, quicker and better than most organisms on earth.  It is made this way because all life as we know here on earth would cease to exist, if bacteria did not adapt.  It has never evolved into anything. There is no evidence of it morphing into a fish.  Wake up and educate yourself away from the indoctrination. Projection of BS beliefs on the physical world is a delusional problem of weak minded people.

It can never evolve, because it is necessary to be exactly the way it is or we have nothing to do the "jobs" for us that we absolutely need in order to live. 
If bacteria wasn't exactly as it is.  You and I would not exist. Bacteria has never evolved into anything but id does adapt (it only adapts and does not evolve) become new strains of bacteria.

Do you ever think about anything?  Are you just a (pawn of religious Evodelusional beliefs) person who only goes with the religious Evodelusional  beliefs?

Species is what it is.  Like a dog is a species. Strains of bacteria are similar to the "breeds" of dogs.  This definition has been around, long before weak humans decided to force their human garbage beliefs on bacteria and change the definitions of the term species to fit the human garbage belief. There are only two species of bacteria.

"If you don't like the facts, change the facts" That is your motto.
Stop messing with foundational scientific terms so you can squeeze your BS religion and call it "science".

That is not how objective science operates.  Objective science never manipulates foundational scientific terms to fit a garbage religion as you seem to do. Objective science goes with what is actually observed and if a scientific term has been around for 100's of years, there is no need to change it. It is fraud to change the terminology in order to confuse people.

They have taken "non nylon eating" bacteria and fed it nylon and only nylon and it adapts to eat nylon very well. You need to read up on this, because you are way off and very ignorant.   Go look it up!

Whenever someone tells you something you NEVER believe them.  My motto is "Who told you that and why the heck would you just lay down your intellectual guard and believe them?"
The first thing I did was go look up the chemical formula for nylon.  I would think that any rational person would do that.
Since you are so eager to accept any HEMG they feed you, you have never even thought about this. You just lay down like a submissive dog and accept this from your gods you believe in college or unversity.

Because we have lazy students who just lay down for every  indoctrination technique as you do, we have terrible scientists now all screwed up and they in turn are teaching this pseudo science to children.

Bacteria is amazing, and not to be messed with.  You can create a man made plague if you don't control your urge to push its' limits.  Did you read my possible cure for cancer tumors?  I'll bet you did not.

"Plus not all bacteria "eat carbon based" material. Some use photosynthesis for energy"

You fool, "grasping at straws" anything to hold on to your beliefs: photosynthesis is a process to use carbon as fuel.  Go look up the process.  Are you really that ignorant? You should read and study as I do, away from the indoctrinators.

This is a Straw Man sidestepping human garbage that I hate, Only delusional weak fools, do that dishonorable technique!

It is way beneath you to try all this sidestepping nonsense.

  How much do these fake authorities own your mind?  Only a lay down weak baby, to those liars, uses such nonsense to protect and defend, their human emotional mental garbage religion of mystical events.
Get this straight, there is no mystical magic BS  in science.

I live in the real world and make observation.  You live in fantasy and distort what you see to fit your Evodelusionism religion.

I never talked about any other type of bacteria. I focus on what is obvious, which you can't.   You are blinded by your religion of Evodelusionism that has no basis in reality.

This sidestepping (Straw Man) of the issue is a bad reflection on you,  and the kind of garbage used in Creationist / Evodelusionist arguments. 

It is disrespectful, despicable and shows what a tiny man would do to save themselves from the destruction of your fundamentalist mythological Evodelusion religion.

There will be no Straw Man garbage allowed here.  If you miss quote me again and inject something that is not in the subject or in the video, then I will block you and you can go back to your delusional kiss ass cult members and stay ignorant. Let them pat your poor ego's back and tell you "it's OK, we love you and Evolution is for "smart" people. Don't let that GoodScienceForYou guy make you feel bad."

Keep in mind that I will continue to dissect your postings and you will not be able to respond. That is what you risk if you don't be civil.

This is a typical Straw Man BS projection of fantasy with your messed up religious beliefs at the root of this insanity. 

Delusions are called mental illnesses.  If you see things that do not exist then you are insane.  In this case you are telling people that carbon is synthetic, which is a fantasy.

I don't care if you are the messiah, if you see things that are not real, you are delusional.

There is no mystical magic in science.  I hate religious,  beliefs projected on evidence. Just observe and study, and don't believe anything that has no absolute evidence.

You wear blinders that only focus your delusions on what you "believe" you "see"  "AMEN Praise Darwin the savior of science." That is how stupid this crap is.
You have not provided a single shred of evidence that evolution exists on this planet.  Don't you know that?
All you have done is repeat "slogans" of brainwashing with no actual physical evidence.

You have shown the world how this religious belief has crept into biology and how it uses slippery tactics of changing facts and definitions of science terms/words to fit the human emotional mental garbage belief.

There is one thing for sure about evolution and as fact.
Evolution is ABSOLUTELY not proven!  Yet brainwashed believers, like you, believe in it anyway.

Evodelusionists insult and degrade themselves with this.  It makes you look like you have no brains.  They are considered to be loons by anyone with brains who has not been brainwashed into this crap religion.  You are ridiculed by most people on earth, the silent majority, for this crap belief.  Did you know that?

Carbon is carbon and it is only found naturally in this world.
Go falsify that one.  [smiley=tekst-toppie.gif]
Society has turned science into a bunch of delusional nitwits who see things and can't see what is obvious, by allowing this bovine feculence religion, Evodelusionism, in science.

Only complete moron losers believe in fantasy!  Why would you want to be included in that crowd?

A man should only go with what is right in front of you, not what you want to see because of your human emotional mental garbage religion.

You keep spouting nonsense and you think it is real.  That is really sad. Get rid of your crap religion (Evodelusionism) and we will get along just fine. You need to learn to see what is right in front of your nose first, then you can spread that knowledge out to become real and objective. You are trained out of your ability to see and reason.

3/ Bacteria is a species. It can adapt and change as needed to the environment faster than most any other creatures.  You should know this.  Specific stains of bacteria have different characteristics, but they are ALL bacteria and have never evolved into a fish as is the belief of your human emotional mental garbage.

It doesn't matter that there are photosynthesis versions of bacteria, which is a carbon process by the way. The main line is only carbon eating, enzymes, processing. And by the way photosynthesis is a process of converting carbon into energy.  I don't think you know that or you would not use that as an argument.

Bacteria never evolves because not one single creature on this earth has been shown to evolve into an entirely new creature, genus or even a complicated different species in the same genus.  Go falsify that one.  HA! HA!

Do you see how your human emotional mental garbage religious beliefs screw up what is right in front of you?

This is the information that destroys the premise of nylon eating bacteria.

Title: Re: Nylon Eating Bacteria So I watched a video
Post by Oicurmtoyoy on Nov 14th, 2010 at 11:22am
You're not even presenting a real argument anymore. I read the first 2 pages, skimmed that last one, and discovered that you were being even less reasonable here.

Firstly, no one ever said that the carbon was artificial, the point was that the nylon is. The bacteria were previously unable to digest nylon, but now they are. They were previously unable to digest inorganic compounds, such as nylon, but then they evolved the ability to.

Btw, bacteria really isn't a species, it's a domain.
It should take you all of 2mins to read that.

And your point that some creatures are the same now as they were before is ridiculous. Some creatures need to evolve because of changing environments, while others don't. Simple as that.

You really haven't refuted anything. All you do is
say "there are no real examples of evolution". "that's based on opinion." If you don't even explain how or why, those aren't really refutations.

When you're done with that you take up thousands of words just to say "you're only doing this because of peer pressure," which isn't even true. We've given you evidence, you pretend it isn't there, then criticize use for being conformists. You didn't say "conformist", but that's what you're getting at.

Perhaps you're just criticizing evolution because it's widely accepted. It's true that you shouldn't believe something just because everyone else does, but you shouldn't reject it for the same reason.

Also, when you directed me to this forum, you said that them man nearly became violent. I didn't see that happening.

Title: Re: Nylon Eating Bacteria So I watched a video
Post by GoodScienceForYou on Nov 21st, 2010 at 8:11am

Oicurmtoyoy wrote on Nov 14th, 2010 at 11:22am:
You're not even presenting a real argument anymore. I read the first 2 pages, skimmed that last one, and discovered that you were being even less reasonable here.

Firstly, no one ever said that the carbon was artificial, the point was that the nylon is. The bacteria were previously unable to digest nylon, but now they are. They were previously unable to digest inorganic compounds, such as nylon, but then they evolved the ability to.

Btw, bacteria really isn't a species, it's a domain.
It should take you all of 2mins to read that.

And your point that some creatures are the same now as they were before is ridiculous. Some creatures need to evolve because of changing environments, while others don't. Simple as that.

You really haven't refuted anything. All you do is
say "there are no real examples of evolution". "that's based on opinion." If you don't even explain how or why, those aren't really refutations.

When you're done with that you take up thousands of words just to say "you're only doing this because of peer pressure," which isn't even true. We've given you evidence, you pretend it isn't there, then criticize use for being conformists. You didn't say "conformist", but that's what you're getting at.

Perhaps you're just criticizing evolution because it's widely accepted. It's true that you shouldn't believe something just because everyone else does, but you shouldn't reject it for the same reason.

Also, when you directed me to this forum, you said that them man nearly became violent. I didn't see that happening.

Pay attention. There is no such thing as bacteria that evolves. It has always been bacteria and has never evolved. 
It adapts to eat any carbon based matter, because that is what it does.  Nylon is not made from synthetic carbon. These f**kers take morons and tell them that nylon is synthetic so it proves evolution.  If you buy that feculence you are really stupid. 

I erased his disgusting posts where he started with all the hate and emotional nonsense.  People who hate are full of fear of losing control, but they are not in control. Their f**ked up minds and emotions contorl them. If you want to be free learn how to learn.  The fist step is to never believe anyone, no matter how compelling and smart they seem, because all humans are full of nonsense agendas. 
If you want to stop being controlled by other peoples nonsense then start now.

The word Domain was added to this nonsense science as a way to protect the religion.  It was a species long before it was taken over by morons.  When you put morons in charge of science they are going to protect their interests and make thing sound like Evolution is real.

There are two species of bacteria, and many "strains". This was the standard long before this garbage got into science.  The strains are not some new species they are variations on the two species of bacteria. 8-)

Title: Re: Nylon Eating Bacteria So I watched a video
Post by Oicurmtoyoy on Nov 22nd, 2010 at 12:09pm
Pay attention. Bacteria evolves. It's DNA changes, an it's been confirmed with DNA sequencing. What part of that is so hard to understand?

And the point was that Nylon, a synthetic material, is bonded in such a way that bacteria can't normally digest it. A genetic mutation, which has been isolated, allowed one strain to digest nylon, while the others could not.

And if you conciser bacteria a species, then I'd like to hear your definition of the word "species".

Title: Re: Nylon Eating Bacteria So I watched a video
Post by GoodScienceForYou on Nov 22nd, 2010 at 3:53pm

Oicurmtoyoy wrote on Nov 14th, 2010 at 11:22am:
You're not even presenting a real argument anymore. I read the first 2 pages, skimmed that last one, and discovered that you were being even less reasonable here.

Firstly, no one ever said that the carbon was artificial, the point was that the nylon is. The bacteria were previously unable to digest nylon, but now they are. They were previously unable to digest inorganic compounds, such as nylon, but then they evolved the ability to.

Btw, bacteria really isn't a species, it's a domain.
It should take you all of 2mins to read that.

And your point that some creatures are the same now as they were before is ridiculous. Some creatures need to evolve because of changing environments, while others don't. Simple as that.

You really haven't refuted anything. All you do is
say "there are no real examples of evolution". "that's based on opinion." If you don't even explain how or why, those aren't really refutations.

When you're done with that you take up thousands of words just to say "you're only doing this because of peer pressure," which isn't even true. We've given you evidence, you pretend it isn't there, then criticize use for being conformists. You didn't say "conformist", but that's what you're getting at.

Perhaps you're just criticizing evolution because it's widely accepted. It's true that you shouldn't believe something just because everyone else does, but you shouldn't reject it for the same reason.

Also, when you directed me to this forum, you said that them man nearly became violent. I didn't see that happening.

This idea that masses of humans believing in some garbage is proof that it is real, is historically always shown to be just human crap. Humans are stupid, by nature. They are emotionally driven, and not controlled by logic.

The world engulfs you in its web of nonsense, and hides the truth from you. 

Pain and suffering is all you get from living in ignorance. That is the truth. 
The truth will set you free.
If you are not seeking the truth, then you are only seeking to perpetuate your nonsense.
Never believe anyone on any subject, until you have ABSOLUTE proof that it is true.

Title: Re: Nylon Eating Bacteria So I watched a video
Post by Oicurmtoyoy on Nov 23rd, 2010 at 11:10am
Two things:
1. Why are you deconstructing the Argumentum ad populum? I never made that case, so refuting it is pointless.
2. Respond to my newer comment. Posting another response to my old comment isn't even slightly useful, especially when the comment is irrelevant.

Title: Re: Nylon Eating Bacteria So I watched a video
Post by GoodScienceForYou on Dec 2nd, 2010 at 3:19pm

Oicurmtoyoy wrote on Nov 22nd, 2010 at 12:09pm:
Pay attention. Bacteria evolves. It's DNA changes, an it's been confirmed with DNA sequencing. What part of that is so hard to understand?

And the point was that Nylon, a synthetic material, is bonded in such a way that bacteria can't normally digest it. A genetic mutation, which has been isolated, allowed one strain to digest nylon, while the others could not.

And if you conciser bacteria a species, then I'd like to hear your definition of the word "species".

You must be a child.  Bacteria was only in two species long berfore you were born.  The different "strains" were called strains. This definition of species has changed to match this religion.  It is nonsense.

I want you to show me any bacteria that has evolved into something besides bacteria.  You are a really stupid person.

There is no way to determine if some "muitation"has taken place.  Nearly always if you go back and look you will find the same DNA structures are simply repeating.  The problem is these idiots are so stupid they would never think to actually look.

What absolute evidence do you have that any creature has ever evolved into a new genus?  That a fish "evolved" into a reptile (as you are taught) that these reptiles "evolved" into mammals, and birds?   That this magical process eventually caused humans to appear on earth.  So, basically, these idiots think that fish our our ancestors. (Just how stupid do you have to be to believe that?)

The catch is that you cannot use any opinions by anyone.  You must have absolute evidence that is clear, leaves nothing to the imagination, irrefutable, has no other plausibilities and is physical. No inferences, implications, assumptions, nor projections of belief are allowed.

Title: Re: Nylon Eating Bacteria So I watched a video
Post by Oicurmtoyoy on Dec 3rd, 2010 at 10:31am
Like I said, give me your definition of the word "species". It clearly differs from the common definition, if you conciser bacteria a species. I don't have to show you a bacteria that evolved into something other than a bacteria, until you demonstrate that bacteria is a species, and not a domain. Explain why a domain is nonsense.

And there is a way to see if a mutation took place. DNA sequencing. Like I said before, they used DNA sequencing to see the change that allowed for digestion of nylon.

Stop asking me for evidence that I've already provided. Remember, you invited me to this forum, so you have to refute my evidence to a degree that I find acceptable. To do that, you must explain the distinction between assumptions and reasoning, and why the basis for evolution is the former and not the latter.

Basically, you have to explain why something is so, instead of just asking people to take your word.

Title: Re: Nylon Eating Bacteria So I watched a video
Post by GoodScienceForYou on Dec 16th, 2010 at 6:22pm

Oicurmtoyoy wrote on Dec 3rd, 2010 at 10:31am:
Like I said, give me your definition of the word "species". It clearly differs from the common definition, if you conciser bacteria a species. I don't have to show you a bacteria that evolved into something other than a bacteria, until you demonstrate that bacteria is a species, and not a domain. Explain why a domain is nonsense.

And there is a way to see if a mutation took place. DNA sequencing. Like I said before, they used DNA sequencing to see the change that allowed for digestion of nylon.

Stop asking me for evidence that I've already provided. Remember, you invited me to this forum, so you have to refute my evidence to a degree that I find acceptable. To do that, you must explain the distinction between assumptions and reasoning, and why the basis for evolution is the former and not the latter.

Basically, you have to explain why something is so, instead of just asking people to take your word.

You are under the impression that these people you trust actually understand what is going on. They don't and that is clear. They can only project their beliefs on what they think is happening.

They have no idea where these "differences" come from.

There is no such thing as "Random" in science. This concept comes from the fact that people are not capable of understanding even 10 things happening at the same instant and all the inteactions taking place, so they make up a term called "random". Random, violates the first law of science: The Law Of Cause And Result.

Because they have no idea where these differences come from in the DNA that they see, they make up terms to fit the belief in Evodelusionism religion. They are constantly redefining scientific terms to fit an idiotic belief that humans evolved from fish.

If you don't know where this delusional nonsense is taking you, then you are not in control of your mind.  You are owned by those whom you believe in.  Why would you want to be the lay down bitch for some other people's nonsense?

If these fools were to actually do the work to check the DNA of all the ancestors these "random" DNA changes would be shown to be traits passed down and nothing more.

DNA is not the cause of itself.  It is a result of deeper level of programming.

Title: Re: Nylon Eating Bacteria So I watched a video
Post by Oicurmtoyoy on Dec 19th, 2010 at 1:13pm
If people trust them, then it's obviously not clear, is it? Maybe you should demonstrate how they don't know what's happening, instead of asking me to take your word for it. What ever happened to "my dad told me not to believe anything anyone tells me".

The difference obviously come from a mutation, we know they happen, and it is by far the best explanation. Again Occam's razor.

You do understand that randomness does exist within practical terms, don't you? For example, if I roll a die and it lands on 3, you'd say that was random. Really it's a combination of several factors, but they're all incalculable, especially within a practical time frame, thus it is considered random. In other words, we humans have no way of knowing the outcome, and there isn't much of a pattern, thus it is considered random. Similarly, mutations are unpredictable and incalculable to us, thus they are considered random.

We know exactly what happens, a mutation. We don't have to see the mutation happening, to prove it happened, in the same way we don't need to see a murder happen to prove it happened. You say, they are constantly redefining scientific terms to fit an idiotic belief that humans evolved from fish, but you've failed to give an example. You have a tendency to do that.

We know that mutations are traits that are passed down, we accept that. The fact is that traits accumulate, it's not a difficult concept to grasp.

I noticed you also said"DNA is not the cause of itself.  It is a result of deeper level of programming." I don't recall anyone saying that DNA caused it's self. From what I've seen, you refrain from talking about actual facts, because you don't know the facts. Most, if not all, of your statements have either been vast oversimplifications of evolutions, or outright falsehoods.

I know I'll probably regret this, but would you be so kind as to describe to me what you think the process of evolution is?

Title: Re: Nylon Eating Bacteria So I watched a video
Post by GoodScienceForYou on Dec 19th, 2010 at 7:39pm

Oicurmtoyoy wrote on Dec 19th, 2010 at 1:13pm:
If people trust them, then it's obviously not clear, is it? Maybe you should demonstrate how they don't know what's happening, instead of asking me to take your word for it. What ever happened to "my dad told me not to believe anything anyone tells me".

The difference obviously come from a mutation, we know they happen, and it is by far the best explanation. Again Occam's razor.

Prove that anyone can know the cause of these differences from absolute evidence that is irrefutable, obvious and clear to all.

What is only clear is there are "differences".  Where these come from is not known. So it is impossible to use religious terms like "mutation", based solely on belief, on them.

Do you even understand the meaning and etymology of the term "mutation".  It means basically a change.  If there is no way to prove it is a change from any genetic information in past of the genetic lineage of the creature, then it cannot be classified with any term other than "difference from the parents DNA" or "Different than the DNA was viewed originally".   It is possible that precise and programmed DNA differences are programmed to show up by a logic that you nor anyone understands.  (Random = death in DNA) Normally when people don't understand things and they have positions of authority they will make up words that sound like they know what is going on.  "mutation" is one of those words, like "random". 

Oicurmtoyoy wrote on Dec 19th, 2010 at 1:13pm:
You do understand that randomness does exist within practical terms, don't you? For example, if I roll a die and it lands on 3, you'd say that was random. Really it's a combination of several factors, but they're all incalculable, especially within a practical time frame, thus it is considered random. In other words, we humans have no way of knowing the outcome, and there isn't much of a pattern, thus it is considered random. Similarly, mutations are unpredictable and incalculable to us, thus they are considered random.

You are confusing apparent random with actual random.   Apparent random means that we don't have the tools to predict complicated events, so we call them random.

I did a whole long drawn out description of a way to determine the toss of a coin exactly every time it is thrown.  All you really have to have is the necessary equipment to do the measurements with and the calculations with.  It is not that difficult compared to other things. But who, in their right mind, would spend millions upon millions of dollars to determine the outcome of a coin toss or throwing the dice?  After you spent all that money and proved it was possible, the game of craps would be banned from the casinos and the coin toss would never be on the foot ball field again.

In DNA there are only organic structures that rely on stability and accuracy for cell development.  Without that the outcome is only like cancer, cell development out of control and that only leads to death.  If one base pair being messed up (ONE!) by some ACTUAL, NOT MYSTICAL event in the past has caused sickle cell anemia what would happen if 100 to 150 base pairs were really random?  The answer is obvious: DEATH and only death. 

The information that causes the DNA to be different between parents and offspring is UNKNOWN, it is not some random magical process.  The reason for any differences from the original is not known. PERIOD!

If you think that "random mutation" is a scientific term after this, there is no hope for you as a real scientist. It is part of a belief system, based upon human weakness.

From all my study on this in all the papers on "mutations", it is only the organisms desire to survive that is shown after birth takes place.  For instance in the study of cigarette smokers, the conclusion by the scientists who did the study is that the up to 30,000 differences (that were mistakenly called mutations) were shown clearly that the body was PURPOSELY AND INTELLIGENTLY PROGRAMMED AND trying to adapt to survive and only to survive the poisons from smoking. 

Oicurmtoyoy wrote on Dec 19th, 2010 at 1:13pm:
We know exactly what happens, a mutation. We don't have to see the mutation happening, to prove it happened, in the same way we don't need to see a murder happen to prove it happened. You say, they are constantly redefining scientific terms to fit an idiotic belief that humans evolved from fish, but you've failed to give an example. You have a tendency to do that.

All that can be witnessed is the "differences" and you can't call them "mutations" unless you can prove absolutely they are really changes from any of the ancestor's DNA!!

If you actually took the time to read this forum, I have answered that more than enough about terms that have been changed.  "mutation" is one of those.    Originally the scientific term referred to "Mutants" or people with genetics screwed up and 99% of the time they can't reproduce, so this never becomes part of the group that is normal and reproduces.  In real science before this crap religious mumbo jumbo took over, a mutation was a person or creature that was a freak.

The idea of "mutation" used in DNA to describe differences is to make it seem plausible that this is a cause of random magical OUT OF CONTROL positive "evolution" when it is just normal differences caused by the foundational genetic creature trying to survive as the same creature and make necessary adjustments to survive.  It calls up on already programmed functions to react to the environment as needed and it reverts when not needed as is seen in the Galapagos finches and in the Italian "wall lizard". Do you understand? 

Oicurmtoyoy wrote on Dec 19th, 2010 at 1:13pm:
We know that mutations are traits that are passed down, we accept that. The fact is that traits accumulate, it's not a difficult concept to grasp.

I noticed you also said"DNA is not the cause of itself.  It is a result of deeper level of programming." I don't recall anyone saying that DNA caused it's self. From what I've seen, you refrain from talking about actual facts, because you don't know the facts. Most, if not all, of your statements have either been vast oversimplifications of evolutions, or outright falsehoods.

I know I'll probably regret this, but would you be so kind as to describe to me what you think the process of evolution is?

You are under the influence that evolution is some form of normal genetics over time that causes changes to creatures.

The term has been redefined again to give the "indoctrination" meaning to new students to get them brainwashed into eventually thinking that this leads to simple life forms can actually evolve into complex life forms with all the details that make improvements by accident.

The idea that fish can become human over some immense time by magical processes and mystical causes is the real definition of evolution. That is where this mystical nonsense leads people.  Do you realize that if you allow this process of indoctrination to take its full result (cause = indoctrination. result = delusional beliefs) you will believe that humans evolved from fish, even though there is absolutely no physical evidence of that.

If you were really objective, you would realize that not one single positive trait has been added to human kind ever.  All that has taken place is a degradation of the genome with more and more "genetic illnesses" showing up all the time as little defects enter the genome and takes it away from a healthy perfection.   This indicates a devolution into inferior and no improvements at all.  Once these environmental caused defects, hit the genome they do not go away, they get passed down.

I have genetically caused triggers in my genome that caused full onset adult diabetes (just like type 1) at 61 years old.  I am on full insulin with multiple injections daily. It was not caused by diet or anything because my diet has been the best you can get on earth.  Almost no sugar, fresh food, whole grains, no meat, nothing that is known to cause cancer or type 2 diabetes.

Both of my brothers have had amputations because they were unable to concur their compulsive high carbohydrate eating habits.

What you need to do is to not believe what others believe.  You must not conform for the sake of conforming because you will lose yourself and you may never get it back if you allow this to control you.  Only go with that which is proven absolutely to you, and not some nonsense beliefs of this cult like human emotional mental garbage.

There is no such science called "evolution".  It is not science, but is a mythological religion based on a deeply held belief that this makes sense, when it is illogical and based on an ideology that has no evidence to back it.

Listen to this video by Berlinski.  He has multiple degrees in science if that means anything to you.

Title: Re: Nylon Eating Bacteria So I watched a video
Post by GoodScienceForYou on Dec 19th, 2010 at 8:14pm

Oicurmtoyoy wrote on Dec 3rd, 2010 at 10:31am:
Like I said, give me your definition of the word "species". It clearly differs from the common definition, if you conciser bacteria a species. I don't have to show you a bacteria that evolved into something other than a bacteria, until you demonstrate that bacteria is a species, and not a domain. Explain why a domain is nonsense.

Domain is nonsense because it was introduced as a way to change the meaning of species to fit the belief.  Wanting to make "evolution" seem more real, they had to screw with the cladistic system to adjust it.  Bacteria used to be only two species and several strains of those species.  Now the nature of humans to force evolution on creatures that have never evolved they call every strain a (magically evolved) species.  There is no evolution with bacteria, because it has always remained as bacteria and has not become anything but bacteria. 

Oicurmtoyoy wrote on Dec 3rd, 2010 at 10:31am:
And there is a way to see if a mutation took place. DNA sequencing. Like I said before, they used DNA sequencing to see the change that allowed for digestion of nylon.

Stop asking me for evidence that I've already provided. Remember, you invited me to this forum, so you have to refute my evidence to a degree that I find acceptable. To do that, you must explain the distinction between assumptions and reasoning, and why the basis for evolution is the former and not the latter.

Basically, you have to explain why something is so, instead of just asking people to take your word.

Why do you take the word of people who are just making things up to fit a brainwashed belief?  I teach people to stop believing and to seek the truth.  I don't ask anyone to take my word on it. Everything I teach is common knowledge easy for you to verify if you have the balls to investigate away from the indoctrination.

If you only get your "education" from those with agendas to indoctrinate you into a belief system, then you are not free, and you are definitely not a scientist.
When they tell you that they are the only source of truth, you know it is a cult. When they tell you that in order for you to criticize our "science" you have to go through the indoctrination, you have to be naive.  I would never allow anyone to indoctrinate me in something so obviously full of beliefs that lack any form on normal use of the scientific methodology that I was taught and has never failed me in my work.   I work with functional science, that is repeatable. predictable and uses science that is obvious, real, and absolutely proven to work.

Whatever The theory of evolution is, it is not science.

Title: Re: Nylon Eating Bacteria So I watched a video
Post by GoodScienceForYou on Aug 2nd, 2012 at 6:27am
Bacteria does not evolve when it mutates. It remains as bacteria and does the same thing every time. It digests carbon based foods and makes enzymes. It has a foundational programming based on logic and reasoning.

Example. The nylonase. Every time the Japanese did the experiment with this flavobacterium it did the same thing.
In less than 9 generations it logically perfectly:'
1/ Made a duplicate gene. It chose this gene from all the possible locations on its genome.
2/ It made a frame shift mutation testing it for working.
3/ It made new start and stop codons to complete the new section of gene.

There is NO POSSIBLE WAY for this to be random. There is no mathmatical equation that can fit the purmutations necessary to have this happen by accident in 9 generations. There is no possible way for this to assemble itself from magical ideas.
It is programmed perfectly to do this.
9 generations is nothing in terms of "life".

According to Evolutionists it took 6 million years for "humans" HAR-1 gene to gain 18 mutataions. This whole thing is utterly ridiculous.

The human immune system works in a similar way. It is programmed to respond to new pathogens and make mutations to cover that particular pathogen and to kill it.

The foundation of this is the immune system which according to all the data we have the immune system has only degenerated. This is why over 66% of people have immune degeneration diseases.

When you watch this video it explains exactly why. There is absolutely no way for any net positive evolution to take place.

Title: Re: Nylon Eating Bacteria So I watched a video
Post by GoodScienceForYou on Sep 20th, 2012 at 10:24pm
Bacteria can only be designed by the evidence and how science really works. There is no possible way for a non-logical creature to understand the needs to change in the first place. There is no "reason" for inanimate un-directed things to adapt at all. This is the first logical conundrum for Evotards to over come. Why does it "want" to adapt? Waht is the motivating force for survival? There is no reason for survival UNLESS it is programmed in to the species.
Next it does this in less than 9 generations. 1/ Makes a duplicate gene. 2/ Performs a frame shift mutation while maintaining the original ability to eat existing foods. 3/ It adjusts the frame shift and put in new start and stop codons in excactly the perfect spot.
The odds of that happening in 9 generations is nearly infinite in the numbers. It is in the 1 to 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,­000,000,000,000, or more odds. This only shows intelligent design.

Bacteria is designed to adapt to whatever foods it can digest.
The fact that this flavobacterium did this repeatedly and the shortest time was 9 generations destroys any non directed random ideas. And bacteria has never grown new cells with new functions as required for evolution of simple life into complex and the oldest most ancient strains of bacteria are far more fit and strong. Goto "" and read the thread there.

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