metha wrote on Jan 4th, 2010 at 11:04am: Quote:How did the entire universe come out of one proton and one electron in a huge
From where do you have that the universe came from one proton and one electron? Not true.
Quote:How did that "seed" of hydrogen know how to form all the elements?
That's not what happened.
Quote:How did it know to compress all that gas into a tiny mass, then explode when all the basic elements were created by fusion of the positive and negative (electrons and protons) building blocks of this universe?
Explode? From where do you have that something exploded?
Quote:This is the theory of evolution as it is explained by Evodelusionists all over the world.
From someone not a supporter of Evolution; what you say here is not true. I have never seen anyone on this forum (or anywhere else) stating evolution in the way you do.
You think about what I have taught you.
There is no apparent or logical evidence for anything other than what I try to present.
The Big Bang is pretty obvious as how the universe was started, the ideas around how it happened are not fact. We can see the universe expanding from one point in space.
In the beginning was only the basic. One positive and one negative. There can be no other way. It is the foundation of all existence.
The computer you type on is binary. It does not operate on three. The universe is the dance of positive and negative.
This is how evolution is stated as you go along and accept all the bovine feculence, eventually you will think that this is one big accident and that random is real. Evolution is the idea that we evolved from fish.